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Show LISTEN TO . . . BAUKHAGE The Natl Farm&Home Hour 10:30 each morning, Monday through Friday KUTA, Salt Lake at 570 KC and other NBC Blue Network Stations SanTtanchco'n V A Largest and Best 1 'Located Hotel f lOOO ROOMS I 0 lOOO BATHS f : 'J $4.00 ONE PERSON I 3 $6.00 TWO PERSONS V HOTEL 1 IT. FRRI1SIS Vs t !!$ .' vm . tifjiii SALT LAKE HOTELS Nice quiet rooms at $1.50 Well Famished, close to everything. Coffee Shop. Garage. NEW GRAND HOTEL, 4th South and Main. HOTELS )When in RENO. NEVADA stop at the HOTEL GOLDEN Reno's largest and most popular hotel. OFFICE EQUIPMENT NEW AND USED desks and chairs, files, typewriters, adding men's, safes, bk-cascs. S. L. DESK EX.. 35 W. Broadway. Salt Lake Funeral Cars Ambulances New or used, cash or terms, demonstrations on request. LORENZO SMITH & SON 255 East 2nd South Salt Lake City, Utah WATER SOFTENERS Hardest Water made soft as melted snow WITH A RAINIER WATER SOFTENER S09 State, dinger Supply Co., S L- C . Ut I HOTEL BEN LOMOND OGDEN. UTAH .fi'fev. fitsr m 850 Rooms 350 Batha - 52.00 to $4.00 Family Room for I persons! $4.00 Air Cooled Lonnpe and Lobby Dining Room Coffee Shop Tap Room Home of Rotary Kiwanis Executive! Exchange Optimists "20-30" Chamber of Commerce and Ad Clob Hotel Ben Lomond OGDEN. UTAH Hubert E. Vlsick. Mgr. 1 TRUSSES FITTED Belts, Elastic Stockings. Crutches and Braces. Extension Shoes, Arch Supports- etc Fit-Well Artificial Limb Co., 135 W. 3rd So.. Salt Lake BABY CHICKS Denyer Hatched Blood Tested Chicks jf Leghorns $6.50 AA $7.45 AAA $8.25: Heavies $7 15 AA $7 85 V AAA $8.25. All prepaid. For Sexed Chicks write COLORADO HATCHERY Denver, Colorado WNU Week No. 41.15 SALT LAKE Ex-President in Congress John Quincey Adams, after he had served as President of the United States, went to congress as a member mem-ber of the house of representatives. HAPPY RURAL HOM51 NOW you can enjoy low-cost gas cooking, water heating and refrigeration refrig-eration the same clean and convenient con-venient service enjoyed by homes connected with the city gas mains. GOLDENE is manufactured by the WASATCH OIL REFINING CO. A safe liquid gas delivered to your premises in steel cylinders, re.ady for immediate use. For full details, contact ROCKY MOUNTAIN GAS CO. 1234 Beck St., Salt Lake City Dial 3-6674 krMt-r'-r,nmn.tn-r-- - -'- J- -)JgKaE jqag, Jt . ... - .. j TROTTING RACES S I are distinctly American. They feWKe II began early in the 19th Century K-ffjk-J--j' I II fairs. Sulkies are unknown in J tf"Bs'3( 1 Europe. -.(sX - ANOTHER GRAND American m I fragrant King Edward cigars. For rrrfifi0ii iilll!fl!$7 a real winner in smoking pleasure, rtjAi'' V ..-i.,i. .fin .ii.. 111. i nn - tm nl'Mfl i I ir.i... v I Insurance I, NOW. br m,l you (in miure your cnt,r fjm.l, tjroup . . pjrrnlv th.ldrcn I mi.rttd Of unm jrnprj 1 , brolSrn tnlm, m-l)-i. tic (of only SI MONTH' Any (n,ly flrv-up. AGES 1 fo 75 ,h qocJ hrjlrfc on lhjrt ,n tfirt Mmjkiblo. lov-cotr LtGAL RESERVE INSURANCE. NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION WO OTHER FEES NO AGENTS WILL CALL A citntthcjlly dfiiflntd to cji.f ,eu rnji-mum prolrclicn (pr Icwril pffmiiifn cnt SfMi-tj br nail uci jjr-l t cmfitiion. ol1ttlo riptnt. b?alliriiq tc Only nc tithe c jud one tccpt iir tcqu red tab month lot i tntire (jm.ly. WAIL COUPON TODAY ft e- ro ce, Fi-ilf G-cup Inm'jiKt Po' fw 10 d)i FKEE inipexrion. Jtnd no money' Arfdrm . M Cry Stift- rH?5M!M fx-v;i.j "" Jflf V"' "Wl'J 'Uni"ll HI1 iipi-i"'-nw.m....i M.ill!f,l H . t ; - . .it y' rKCS RangC fr0m l 00 5ingTe f j S 200 ROoms-padios ro? mRY room ; " 'pSy- 200 TILE BATHS f Modem AH West Exposure Rooms Air -Conditioned f Carago Ty HEW S50.OOO -rfrr &n ' VX COFFEE SHOP -"r ' - 1 11 artTii imiMjt mwn mi t I |