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Show mileAujh'l And Half Wrong "Jane says she thinks I'm a great wit." "Well, she's half right, anyway." any-way." Not His Want "Well," asked the landlady, showing a prospective lodger her best bedroom, "what do you think of it as a whole?" "Oh, I suppose it's all right as holes go," was the reply, "but it was a bedroom I wanted." landed Down "And do you really mean to say I'm the first girl you've ever kissed?" "Yes, darling. Any skill I may have is inherited." Don't bother about the size of the man in the fight. What counts is the size of the fight in the man. Her Prospect Father Isn't it time you were entertaining the prospect of matrimony? matri-mony? Daughter Not quite, Dad. He won't be here until eight o'clock. Some Satisfaction "Would you be happy if you had all the money you wanted?" "I'd be happy if I had all the money my creditors wanted." Internal Use "And how did you find the bath salts, madam?" asked the druggist. drug-gist. "Well, they taste very nice," said the shopper, "but I don't think they have the same effect as a real bath." Surprised Him Speed Fiend (after the run) IVhee! Don't you feel glad you re alive! Timid Passenger Glad isn't the word! I'm amazed. Private Performance "And is there any instrument you can play?" asked the hostess who was pressing a guest to entertain en-tertain the party. "Not away from home," he replied. re-plied. "That's strange. What do you play at home?" The guest sighed deeply as he answered: "Second fiddle!" |