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Show ' WASHINGTON . NOTES GRAZING SERVICE Director of Grazing R. H. Rut-ledge Rut-ledge reported to the Secretary of interior this week that the headquarters office of the Grazing Graz-ing Service had completed its cross-country trip from Washington, Wash-ington, D. C. to Salt Lake City, Utah and is established in its new headquarters in the Walker Bank Building. FEDERAL TIMBER SALpS ...... SET ALL TIME RECORD National Forest returns to the Federal Treasury from the timber tim-ber sales reached an all-time high in the fiscal year 1941, the Department Depar-tment of Agriculture announced this week. Receipts were $1,789 040. compared with $4,389,893 in 1930, the previous record. PETROLEUM .The Defense Coordinator thiJ! week formally requested the Office Of-fice of Price Administration and Civilian Supply to order an immediate im-mediate cut of 10 percent in supplier sup-plier deliveries of pasoiinc in 16 Ecstem States, and the D'striet of Columbia, and that part of Florida lying ea.st of the ApUa-chieole ApUa-chieole River. RAILROAD RELOCATION" IN" IDAHO A S4P,!l.2fi-l contract for the rc-i rc-i location of a branch line of the Oregon Phont Line around the '-ite ' fjf ("arcade reservoir on the Payette Pay-ette River in Idaho was awarded by the Serjetary of Interior this we eta |