Show la lagrippe grippe followed by heart disease cured by DR MILES HEART CURE wart 4 f Z R C 00 0 SHULTS of winterset iowa MR al inventor and manufacturer ot of Shults safety WhiM etreo coupling writes of dr miles lilies heart cure two years ago an attack of lagrippe left me be with a weak heart I 1 had run ran down in flesh to mere skin and bone I 1 could not sleep lying down for smothering spells frequent knarp darting pains and palpitation caused a constant tear fear of 0 sudden death nothing could induce me to remain away from homo home over ni night hl my local physician prescribed dr miles heart cure and in a lew few days I 1 was able to sleep well and the pains gradually lessened and finally ceased I 1 reduced the the doses having gained fifteen pounds and am now feeling better in every way than I 1 have bave tor for years Wj SiS dr miles remedies t Y dr aro arc sold by all drug avi elsts under a positive 1 S guarantee first bottle C CHI benefits or money re ri Res j 3 funded look book on diseases health of the heart and I 1 X nerves f arco reo address 1 dr DK MILES MEDICAL CO elkhart ind your friend ji y raw L bicycle ter 11 ieli I 1 A wheel you can ca A depend upon for lightness swiftness and strength it is unsurpassed you can learn all about h I 1 by hamilton kenwood cycle co m S canal st chicago I 1 4 vou invent or in prove also goca CAVEAT EAT r or DESIGN TION t hicl luneil or libato ri n mill itai ice BOOK FEE N patent wrote w to C A 5 SHOW GO co guient Law 1 VAS DC i cured liy by dr jallas PAIN IAIN PILLS FILLs on cent a dow MUSICAL PRESENTS wo we 1 give ive a partial list of millica mil musical sica I 1 good suitable for Christ christmas mac presents procure something that is refining 0 and educating to the old an and i young something that will make home pleasant we can sell you the celebrated MASON HAMLIN or KIMBALL ORGAN a at t from 65 to terms 10 down and 5 per mouth month american made GUITARS MANDOLINS to BANJOS to 50 the these ze instruments are the best niale made and embrace the washburn bay state aud and mawer manver we can furnish y you oil anything 0 fl from olli a J ws harp up to a piano we carry all the latest sheet music alusic music books and strings for all birds of stringed instruments orders fi from iii the country will vill have special an and pi pruit pt attention att ri tion and an CI satisfaction or guaranteed 0 0 CALDER S SONS SALT LAKE CITY pain has no show with dr milts ottlo Y M M I 1 A district district conferences will be held as follows Randol randolph saturday afa march ach 5 10 a in and 2 p m laketown Lake town sunday march 6 2 and 1 7 p in st charles tuesday barcli 8 10 a m and ap 2 p in all who are interested in the cause of mutual improvement are most cordially invited to be present JAMES E HART stake president ot of Y til M 1 I A a WEEKLY excursions TO st LOUIS VIA SALT LAKE AND DENVER commencing thursday march 3rd ard 1898 and each thursday thereafter I 1 MISSOURI PACIFIC personally CONDUCTED tourist excursions will leave portland for st louis via salt lake denver and kansas city the cars used in these excursions are the best tourist sleepers and will run through to st louis without change via 0 S L R G IV D R G anal missouri pacific cirs cars will be in charge of experienced and gentlemanly conductors conduct ers and porters special care taken of ladies or children traveling gravelin without escort call on OA agent for particulars dr cades cadys condition powders are just what a hose horse needs when in lad bad condition tonic blood purifier pur itier and they are not food but medicine and the best in use usa to put a horse in prime condition arico 25 23 cents per package LI G al 11 NOTICE iEti detato tate or dexter litchfield I decea deceased ed tho the N vill ill sell at public auction the fo following lhing described real property to wit tho the west of the northwest quarter and the northwest quarter of tho the southwest quarter ot of section no 26 and the North northeast quarter of life Nort northeast beast quarter of section 0 o 27 all in township no 13 ot of range N no 0 7 east of tho the salt lake meridian containing acres all in rich county utah at r 12 1 noon ou on monday the at day of march A D IM alps at tile the front door of tho court rouse at randolph rich county ut utah a i for cash to the hig et and best bidder ton per cent payable at the timo time of astle and alia balance upon con confirmation ar mation of sale bythe by the court Coun CHARLES E JE JENSEN administrator of the estate of dexter litchfield deceased doco asod dated march 1 aai A J 11 attorney for plaintiff first publication march 5 NOTICE FOR publication no saw land wen at salt lake citi utah february it 1398 NOTICE is hereby alten that tile following named settlor settler has illk notice of his bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim and t bat said proof will bo be made macio before the county clerk lork of rich kich county counts utah at Rau randolph rhudulph utah on in march 26 lai viz FERNANDO MILLER of 0 W woodruff ruff utah 11 II E for the N K 4 S E aj V see fcc 18 tp 9 N E R 8 E U S L U M ile iio names the following witnesses to provo prove his bia continuous rid residence enco upon and cultivation of said land ti jabez C G lee william leo leo and frauk frank loo leo all of woodruth tl utah II 11 N mcgrew register first publication february 19 SOS fc AMAy A 50 YEARS experience isag is sg 13 fh d da k TRADE MARKS DESIGNS copyrights ac anyone sending a alleach and description roay may qui quickly cl ascertain our opinion free v whether other an invention is communion strictly handbook on patents bent free fro agoney for pat patents cuts patents bluna co receive special hotl nome without egargo la in loin if ic Er 1 A rooklyn ro okly Largen dr cu cul atlon lation of any lour jour journae nat at terms 3 a f year four conr months tl L sold by bj all no MUNN co new york boince ow r F et bt washington V 1 C bad got dr pain a r u ess 11 a r ne i i s T V we make a specialty of heffy av team harness sk and use nothing but the best leather and work in their manufacture satisfaction guaranteed at prices to suit you TRI nong lah hh I 1 N M proprietor manufacturers of hi high h patent PAN ANOY Y high hi eh patent golden colden sheaf U uinta I 1 nta sheaf straight patent F TT L 0 U be craham Clahar rii family pride j JL U ma germade made and mill feeds of all kinds GRAPHY bookkeeping hughly taught etc BY MAIL thory STERO 10 or personally our system of teaching gives actual sf daily experience in every branch ot of business including banking merchandising commission insurance transportation etc preparatory department tor for backward students wo we tr train aln fur for practical irac work and always secure situations tor for graduates of 0 our business and shorthand courses cours ea S students n tude alrow enter any day no vacations expenses moderate r on t throw h away time and h going to temporary schools when it will cost you less to attend the BEST we always alenri hii a number ol of students who havo have left incompetent teachers in disgust such tell us that six months here is equal aguil to a year in any other school art to any r one s to for first information or of a 5 r REWARD U for a bookkeeper stenographer teacher clerk 0 of telegraph operator which we successfully success tully fill 1111 business kiouses lio uaea supplied irli wi b competent compe 1 tnt t 4 assistants ishou charge refer to prominent patrons in every part of the T the h ta n next c x t best best thing to attending alien the MOST CELEBRATED BUSINESS SCHOOL in am i ca la is to tako aalto our instruction bly bit MAIL it if you are unemployed and willing aaser d scud end ten two cent stamps tor for five easy lessons in in shorthand beautiful catalogue fre ree 1 Address mention this paper CLEMENT C GAINES PRESIDENT new yom oregon short line time table professional cards trains arrive at and depart from x montpelier as follows J T KIETH going west 1215 a m ism going east a in EVANSTON WYOMING P 11 agent R S SPENCE I 1 U non pacific time table AT A V trains tra ins arrive and depart from evanston R IDAHO as follows GOING EAST or dr E lee arrive depart MINUET so no 2 1110 11 10 a na 1115 11 15 a in y no 4 1125 11 25 p in 11 1130 30 p in la Is prepared to do all kinds of 0 dental work crown and bridge work a specialty GOING WEST tooth extracted without pain arrive depart WOODRUFF UTAH no 1 1110 11 10 a in 11 1115 15 a m no 3 1120 1130 11 20 30 p m 11 1135 35 p in LE ROY N frencho FRENCH J K GRAFF agent A T AT aam will practice in all courts collections promptly attended to RANDOLPH UTAH JAS H WALLIS STAGE LINE oai s and counsellor at law evanston wyo yo WW will practice tica in all utah and idaho courts court randolph and prompt attention gives giten to corre laketown Lake town utah PARIS IDAHO dally daily except sunday ED SOUTH leave evanston at I 1 p in fv athi GT this hi is the route to the railroad tonsorial Tomor lal artist M A lu hale manager RANDOLPH UTAH geo ge webb JOS H lu NEVILLE EVILLE carpenter contractor and builder builder and WOODRUFF UTAH contractor plans and specifications our work guaranteed to be well and promptly done RANDOLPH HOTEL JOHN S SNOWBALL prop RANDOLPH UTAH first class accommodation dation JOHN SHELBY for transient and othol other crests ilay hay grain and stabling in connection contractor terms reasonable THE and BUILDER KEARL HOUSE houll LAKE TOWN UTAH RANDOLPH UTAH guests care and comfort guaranteed good juull stabling in connection al ilik e 1 hair Sr Close to the bes beautiful ticul bear J I 1 I 1 L AT prop mrs ANN KEARL and dealer in 26 THE UINTA HOTEL furnishing and building evanston wyo lumber siding T C flooring lath call of at shing when in evanston house the uin toll best in town and Moul dings L office i mrs mr C L lachappelle pelle pr neat tile mil EVANSTON wy |