Show chubs are coming up the lake and it is fine sport catching catchi catch lug ug them we have a rood good school this winter with alfred A hart and miss lila joh job son as teachers miss sarah West weston who lias bas been who has been learn ng dressmaking in logan is elpe expected ted home this week weck the hills bills are getting bare and the lake town girls are getting the spring fever ande and eating atin g green cedar berries mr walter ackroyd of bloomington ida gave lectures here feb 1 48 8 and march 1 on oil the causes of hard times our district school had a grand parade on 1 birti birthday dav the procession was lead ead by tl e laketown Lake town brass band in the afternoon we had a I 1 childrens dance which was much enjoy enjoyed ed the lake town dramatic troupe played polled foiled or a struggle tor for life on the lath of february it will bo be played again by request on march 3rd ard they will play it atran at randolph on march ath j A 0 K lake tou town n utah feb 28 98 |