Show POULTRY BUSINESS interesting experiments mado made at the collene of cali aro are reported bulletin no 61 51 of the utah experiment station has been received anit in it are reported results of poultry experiments conducted at the station during durina 1 the year ending Ne november vember 1897 A bumler Anum lier of experiments are reported and in some cases the results are very positive they included tests of if old hens and pullets for egg production of the value of exercise of the value of crossing pure bleds of the relative egg laying qualities of brown leghorns Leg Legli horns orns barred plymouth rocks light brahman and a brahma leg horn cross the annual food cost per fowl foul of the different breeds and the yearly production of eggs per hen were important features of the exper indents imen the relative value of old eggs and fresh f eggs for hatching was also tested an incubator test was conducted si A number of halt tone cuts are re reproduced p reduced rod which include one of the poultry building several photographs of fowls and of two baskets of eggs one a very large basket representing the laying of the pullets the other a very verv small one representing the tork of odthe the old liens hens toe latter is a striking lesson of the value of young youn blood the bulletin a copy of which may be obeal obtained ned free on application to director lu luther aber foster experiment station logan utah is summarized as follows 1 there Is little profit in keeping hens three or four years old at the market prices of food and eggs in utah the profit in feeding young hens or pullets was wag six times greater than ae in feeding old hens three or four years old 2 leghorn pullets hatched in april gave better results than those hatched in late may the profit was about one and a half times greater from the april hatched than from the may batea hatched cd 3 the exercised pens 4 5 and 6 produced 20 eggs ekr fowl more than the pens u without exercise everel se 1 2 and 3 4 the three exercised pens produced eggs at a food cost of 53 cents per dozen the pens without exercise at a food cost of 05 65 cents per dozen 5 the Th three ethree exercised pens avera aji r d a profit per fowl during the year yea r of 84 cents the non exercised S 58 s cents 6 pen 1 representing egg production under the most uti unfavorable favorable conditions dit ions except as to ration fed cleared 2 34 3 4 cents per fowl during the year on the cost of food pen 4 representing egg production under the most favorable conditions cleared during tho year per fowl this would have been increased cons dera bly had bad the eggs laid before the experiments peri ments I 1 I 1 egan been counted in one case there was a profit on tile tiie feed of 5 per cent in the other per cent I 1 exercise had no apparent influence on the u weight eight of foul the lack of exercise did not add to the weight of the fowl 8 the non exercised pens produced eggs weighing about 3 per cent more than the exercised pens 9 the eggs produced by the old leghorn hens weighed about 5 12 1 2 per cent more than those produced by the leghorn pullets 10 the eggs pro need bythe by the light brahma pullets weighed 11 12 1 2 per cent more than those produced by the 0 it pullets 11 the barred plymouth rock pullets eggs leveraged eve raged at al out ti e same as those ot of the leghorn pullets 12 in two out of abr e pens exercise produced a larger consumption of food 13 the exercised pens made a better use of I 1 tie lie food than those without exercise it required 22 per cent less food to produce a dozen doen of ega s with exercise than without it the results are strongly conclusive that exercise aids digestion and assimilation n of food the chief value of exercise therefore seems to be in preventing a waste of food 14 exercise apparently reduced the percentage of fertility in the eggs 15 the percentage of fertility was highest with the early hatched pullets and lowest with the old liens though the results are net conclusive ac M the fertility of eggs avera averaging cring alveda five daa sold was per cent higher than of eggs averaging twenty two days old 17 the results noted were obtained from what was considered a good ration fed alike in all pens practically the same ratio i was fed throughout the year the cone conclusions unions therefore must not be accepted it if a different ration is used 18 the results seem to indicate an average capacity for a leghorn pullet of eggs per year with intelligent care and feeding 19 ino ho sd vantage was discovered in crossing the brahma and le leghorn leborn born 20 ina in a single t st of th the e prarie pra rie state and aubi jubilee lee fineu acors the former hatched 04 64 per percent cent of fertile eggs and the latter 81 per cant |