Show DISTRICT COVET COURT the first judicial district court opened at 10 am a m tues bues lay ay march 1 1898 1698 with judge chas II 11 hart on the I 1 ench and the following business was transacted transact cil in the case of the of guardianship of charles caldwell a minor george spencer was appointed guardian as prayed for in the petition the boy is five years old liis his mother is dead his father did not support him and lie he has no property in the case of jos ua ashton vs J W dykins Dykin sas as administrator of the booth estate attorney leroy N french asked that the case be dis missed without prejudice bighon or ordered the case dismissed without prejudice this case was recently tried in the justice court at woodruff to recover for putting up hay bay A i erdlee in favor of plaintiff was returned which was appealed to the district court in the case of the litchfield estate C E jensen administrator petitioned through his attorney J 11 for an order to sell the whole of the reil real estate as a portion of it could not be sold to advantage advant arre the accounts of the administrator were produced in court and after hearing bearing them read his honor issued the order prayed lor in the case of sadie C brown vs L I 1 V eastman the julge decided that three fifths of the water belonged to plaintiff aud and that she pay two fifths of 0 the costs of the action and that the defendant owned two fifths of the water and that he pay the balance of costs incurred in the case of dykins vs crocker order was taken to show cause on the first day of the next term of court |