Show MING NOTES mining men are beginning to get into the la and blue mountain districts in anticipation of early spring 0 weather WH sears is ig working four men in in the cl operation aeration of the ilia ballington dallington Dai Dal lington mino mine at alta and is tahia taking a out someone some ore tor for the market dr E D woodruff and lih hig associates went out to tho the block diamond mino mine at silver city the first of the week and found everything lookin looking prosperous georgs georgo darr barr has gone to portland where be will pin join R M C halliday and the two will proceed to the klondike via Sk aguay mr barr I 1 took with him ten does to be used on the trip it is estimated that something over KOM will be ba needed to make the mining congress a success but it is believed by the committee that this amount will bo be raised without difficulty A fine sample of bromide copper ore is is on exhibition at the walker house salt lake city the specimen coming from the douglas mountains in colorado just across the line from Veri vernal ial utah seventy passengers went over the oregon short line sunday for klondike the party carried pieces of baggage one party consisted of twelve men who had with them sixteen do dos doga 0 s every day at thal tha oregon short line ilia ticket officio iu in salt lala lake cau can bo be seen M miners from various parts of the state getting fixed out for the through h trip to the klondike country amon among ah tho latest to decide to go is P parker abier I 1 va norton the well known business and club man A shipment of hi high b 1 grade silver load lead ore has been made matl from the utah no 2 2 property which is ia locatell locate dl at fish ish springs a near neighbor of 0 the galena and utah which have made that district famous the utah no 2 is owned by mr john morehouse and his big sons of this city and the tact that shipment is being made is cause for congratulation A snow alide occurred on the alei sleigh h road to the comstock mine f four I 1 ur miles east of silverton B BC C A messenger was sent to town and about men turned out with shovels as it was reported that three men were wera buried A southworth South north and J S arvey were taken out with slight injuries but when the body of william lade was discovered life was extinct several slides have occurred in the past few days completely blocking bloching traffic to tho the mines on four mile creek the primitive two stamp mill recently erected by alfred though incomplete in many details has saved enough gold old to more than pay for the expense of its construction the fact is beginning to be recognized that a larger percentage ol of the values in state line ore can be saved with a cyanide adjunct to the amal amalgamating a mating plants and it is understood that several of the interested parties are figuring on the erection of such a plant 0 at the annual stock holders meeting of the daly west mining II ining company compan y the old board of directors was reelected as follows 3 J daly president allan fowler secretary and treasurer W S mccornick E ezra ara thompson and 0 J salisbury in the annual report made by the president it was ascertained that the mine was in splendid condition with a world of ore in sight the statement being made that since the last meeting the shaft had bad been sunk from the 1200 to tho the 1400 level evel and drifts run to theore the ora bodies and in the statement mado made as to the output of the property in the lla past st the pre presence cence of excellent gold a and id copper values was disclosed it was also shown that the fine new mill was in readiness to begin the treatment of the low grade ores of the mine and the magnificent condition of tho the property was illustrated by the statement that the mine had been opened and the mill built and paid for in doing development work only as no stopping had bad been done mr air daly was inspru ted to be bein begin in the extraction shipment and milling of ore ora within the next ten days which weans means that after nearly a year of enforced idleness this splendid property is to start up again deorie george sutherland one of the chief stockholders ders of the martha washington has returned from a visit to the tha property near silver city and brought sarn samples ples of ore showing 0 ouri ounces ces silver over 5 per cent copper and gold of the ilia value of per par ton these were obtained from a streak of ore accompanying the main or ore chute a which has been exposed in t the h drift off the foot level and from which poi point nt about twenty five tons have already rea d been hoisted mr sutherland says that hat a shipment of ore will be made the last of the week and effo efforts arts made to repent repeat it a week later J E bamberger has returned from oregon where near bak baker er city h he made an inspection of the virginia consolidated mine in wb which ch with david keith he is heavily interested n P ii peaking of this thia pro property perty mr baab bamberger erger stated that it was looking better than over ever before and that in an upraise upraise e from abo GOO COO level a fine body of mineral had been uncovered since his last visit to tho the mine on account of the deep snow lui ho did not go over TO his la Bell bellevue evile mine in granite di 1 the he states that tha work is ia brogi casing bi m the ilo erect erection iou of the new concentrator for the property |