Show THE UP JOHN R WALLIS editor and prop entered nt at the Posto ros tollice irico at utah tn is second cloea clam matter RATI or ono one year chih iu in advance 1 but it if on en in produce will bo r RATES A tea FOR advertising professional curds cards por th 1 00 professional cards w alion on paid sn in advance 8 11 air local 1 1 rz 0 toll ton conta per line for arst insor tion and fl alro ve cents per lino line tor for each subsequent insertion reg a ll notices Notice spit ton cents bior lino coch insertion rates kates for display advertising made known on application location all legal ireal work must bo be paid for or befaro boing being tall lQ from oll ace all should bo be addressed to THE roud ur randolph utah SATURDAY MAR 5 1898 ase dr miles krava tor for SPINAL isel liew |