Show uncle toms calin cal in 11 OATS 90 cents per cwt cat at beeman cashin M r co oliver jimbson shipped a car of baled hay bay at sage on monday the relief society will give a dance tonight to night tickets 25 cents each gool goo 1 SNOW GLASSES at mckinnon johnsons 15 cents per pair thirty four families have so far been secured to settle the crawford lanki laral lion quil was shaking a hands bands with old friends here this week the youngest child of IT INI M aes which was so sick Is now improving rapidly it is rumored that alonzo cook and D S are al a out to erect a roller mill at randolph wagon road open come all aad get our C 0 D IOLLAR DOLLAR WHEAT tit mill lake town COOP CO OP calders sonson sons of salt lake city make tio ho extra charge tor for putting musical instruments down at evanston you say sav that lifes a lottery and you cant get a prize stand a better chance my friend it if you would advertise we have received a letter from eliv W graham who is ou a mission in boston it will appear shortly probably in next issue the Lake laketown town dramatic association will present foiled on the stags stage heie toni tonight saturday march t etli th they will undoubtedly have a good house now is the time that the full benefit ot of the gravel put on some of 0 the sidewalks by energetic citizens last fall is felt and appreciated N estfall ext fall should witness much more of the same work mr ar george weston Vf eston of ophir ophar recently visited teil the mammoth mine near Mea lowville and gave as his 0 p rilon that the mammoth ammoth LI is a valuable property and advised the owners fo to continue work on it mr weston aas ha ba I 1 twenty years experience as a mining expert and his opinion should count tor for something on the mornan morning ff cf feb 20 1895 1 I was sick with rheumatism and lay in bed may IMay ulten nhen I 1 got a bot theof chamberlains pain balm the first application of it relieved me almost entirely en lirely of pa n and the second afforded complete relief in a short time I 1 was able to he be up and about again A T Yon EAUX luverve luverne minn sold by all me cine dealers editor IV J mclaughlin of the brn B rn kansas press wl wi 0 has been visiting lime lim e the past receive d a tele tc degranu amram on thursday ev ning conveying y ng th sid sad news of the n narla q riv total tota destruction of ti 0 town of bern and th ih loss or of his prop i ty which I 1 ow dver was partially d mr LIC mclaughlin I 1 f fl lon on the stage friday for ID nen enjoyed joyed liis itis visit is pleas id d with our valley and aso also with ins his kind r caption by all with whom I 1 ie e came in contact with the fire occure I 1 on the 2nd and dinst in st ono one llau was wa lost I 1 desire to attest to til the merits of chamberlains cough remedy as abone one ot of the most valuable and efficient preparations pa rations on oil the market it broke an cac dangerous cough for me in 24 hours an i in gratitude therefore I 1 desire to inform you atiat I 1 will never be without it and you should feel proul proud of the bagh esteem in imbi which h your remedies are held by bv people in general it is the one remedy among thousands success to it 0 R DOWNEY editor DEio DEMOCRAT cRAT allion lud ind for sale by al medicine ciuc dealers the visiting bretl iren to the ward conference at randolph Randol and woodruff were elders jas II if hart and wm win L rich of the stake presidency bishop amos wright and elder jus jos sall ph E R shop shep era pres hart and elder shepherd went on to woodruff and held beld confere ce there while pies nich an aal I 1 bishop wright I 1 eld forth litre here lit re tie the rne mi tings at har dolph dillih ell attended ani and t e Is courses were full of gond sound I 1 who wholesome leome advice the reports of if the va vai I 1 long ious ward organ organizations ovations showed thorn them to be in excellent condition elder shepherd returned to randolp in time to join elders rich and hart who all left for laketown Lake tonn town sunday evening pres pre bulge bu IRB had intended corring conring but was not well N M hodges has bag been under the weather but is on tile tiie improve I 1 ed gunn son of win gunn Is io confined to his big bed with rheumatism E ed d hall returned on TI f from born visiting relatives at enterprise morgan county the randolph fining and milling co met and transacted important business busin cbS last saturday attorneys J 11 II R canian A A hammond ammond II an aal 1 ari arnold 1 oll of Ea evanston attended court this week ed sauth cantli ues aes good bork ork bv hauling g gran gravel el tor for Ms his sidewalk his example is well worth following editor W J hlin of the bern I 1 kansas vidas VID as press is on a f fraternal ra visit to tile the editor of the ROUNDUP ROUND UP jno W D dykins king was a court visitor thi alis week seek tie he still use uses a stick when walking wal kirg f fut but ut the rheumatism is slowly leaving him electrician chas kingston was hero here last saturday from evanston on hus connected with the uin ta alich telephone tek phone line when you buy an organ or piano get tb the ebest best tie tl e kimball esthe best and took the gold medal at the worlds fair calders sons keep them in stock among court visitors this week we noticed bp gibbons of meadowville Mcadow Meadow ville judge jas n H hart of par paris ida judge S V frazier biron sessions J M Hend ersco cr co atty E lee and jos 11 1 1 sevire of woodruff jake isra israel 1 representing the tie consol dated dilated imp co has b en lierd liera in the ali interests of tile the imp co during the past week it is jakes first visit to this part martof of utah and tic lie is enthusiastic over its vast resource reso sand bussi bill ties bics A branch store aill ill shortly be established at kemmerer I 1 y the beeman cashin mer lier co this enterprising firm will start out with tin plem ets and hardware but after a short period will introduce furniture and a general variety of if goods such as they keep in their mammoth establishment in evanston any article bought from t ls house is value alue v received or money refunded news kenister Ke gister wm curb ft foreman reman of tie shaela ranch was in town this weik weck wal wiri B graham of bennington Benn inston ida is visiting old friends liere here chas abas E jansen sold 25 steers last week to lewis bros of montpelier cy west of salt lake city was looking over this section of country this week TO curl A COLD IN ONE INC RAY DY take laxative bromo quinine tablets all druggists refund the money if it tails fails to cure help home in justry by clasing asing your harness a rid f from iscra lem mckinnon MeKin prices cannot be beat beaten en any anaw i ere forthe for the same cuss class of work K M the laketown Lake town miller lias has an order for pounds of flour flaur for the first of the two cars will be loaded at sage thi this week our wide awake merchants merc lantS mckinnon joanson Jol have made a chang in their display adv this week read it there is in it that will int rest you P J gorman german i was as I 1 1 ling business basine busi noss za here tills this weik for t the be old reliable beeman cashin C fe wa ai a i a I 1 v r ri welcome elcome aller at this olice and re ported busi business good the committee of seven appointed to secure funds fu fi the telephone tele line from Li banston Ea anston to afton via C cokeville Co 0 keville report that the line will I 1 I 1 e from randul randolph utah to this place early this spring afton cor montpelier montc p c 11 er barriner Eairl E Nar rIner ner jas 11 II brown brow n of the firm of bron brown n sons of logan has established a branch works at paris and anci is prepare i to lo io all kinds of ornamental work in plaster of pans carls suitable for house decorations get his figures for mari ie e monuments 1 and I rid grave stones prices very reasonable J II if brown paris idaho it is or sl kiil I 1 be tile the highest aim of every merchant to please his cus comers and that the wide an aake ake drug firm ot of meyers eshleman St ersing ill is doing so is proven by t the lie following fio bioni niMr mr eshleman Esl ileman in my sixteen years experience in the drug business 1 I have never seen or cold or tried a med medicine lei lie that gave as good sat as colic cholera and diarrhoea remedy sold by all medicine dealers randolph clotel arrivals byron sessions S V frazier 11 W brown S L Iluf faker J 11 on go G I 1 IN V eastman J 11 carna D W E eastman astman 0 cornia E lee G A frazier J 11 neville A E aas eastman aman I 1 jno shipley Ship lcy woodruff Woud ruff 0 S blair salt lake city A A hammond nam mond E IV byrne sirs mn T W stephens evanston wyo jane jake israel montpelier ida W T cravens of eliscu E lison co R J martin frel fred jensen otter creek cri ek A deal is between the ov onn ners of the rich caebe cache mine and some doston boston capitalists tor for the bonding of that property the bond is for 1500 aid will run six lis forfeit having be input up arrived arrive dhere lacre several si veral alays ago and tas nas col coi at the last meeting of if the directors of the company cum pany several were made made to the provisions of the bond before it was nag resumed rel umed and it if these are approved by tile boston people the b riding ill have licen been tf f forted if abic falls through several other promising offers will be considered logan journal |