Show UTAH NEWS the snow is disappearing very slowly in the de desert bert which will vill mean a grent great loss to sheep men warm weather comes soon mrs catherine cummings aged 63 one of the early pioneers died in salt lake city last week she came to utah when a child the telephone line from thompsons Thomp sons springs to moab has been completed and the citizens citi zeus of moab are highly elated over the fact the temperance people of logan aro are pushing their fight against the saloons and have a monster petition asking for legislation in the mutter mitter nephi jensen of hyrum who pleaded guilty to stealing sheep from J 15 oakey has been sentenced to one year in tile the penitentiary harriet evans Rie richards bards mother of state auditor morgan L richards is lead dead she was 78 years of age and camo came to utah in 1851 since the on anti expectoration ordinance has become a law in salt lake city the sidewalks look a great deal better the law will be rigidly enforced the auth authorities of Spring springville ville are making it lot hot for one 0 L ihrig who is charged with keeping a gambling house the authorities are arc determined to enforce the law the christian scientists of salt lake have decided to build a church and have purchased grounds for that purpose them the buil building din will be a handsome and substantial one george Du buckner ckner who resides in provo and who has been in jail in i a salt lake city on a charge of sending obscene matter through the malls mails has been released upon a 7 50 cash bond pending trial articles of incorporation of the jensen brothers milling company have been filed bled with the secretary of state tho the capital stock is fixed at and the pi place of business is moroni sanpete county grand county at present boasts of having transient sheep besides owned by home parties which will make a great deal of work during the shearing season which will commence about april 1 christina has awarded a divorce from her husband N P Sw swenson eDsen cn the logan man who was accused of doling out rl a weekly pittance to his wife for the support of herself and children and then beating her if the exceeded the allowance which was r nuch much to small for her needs patriarch john lyman smith cousin to joseph smith is dead lie he was one of the early pioneers of st george and was 70 years of age ile he crossed the plains in 1847 and entered salt lake valley on september 25 17 47 he ha was a man widely known in utah and a host of friends will leaz learn n with regret of his death phillip jones of south jordan aud and another man were rescued from almost certain death on the desert last week by robert carless and david harman fiarman II arman tw well known miners who were en route from fish springs to salt lako lake city jones was as mounted on a bony horse choso whoso books had worn down until they bled the other kotlier man was ou on foot and had given up and was urging his companion to push on for help but this was out of the question the men were en entirely arely without food or pro vender for themselves or the horse jones was coming across from his nevada mines and might have gotten through the other man would surely have perished 11 palmer alias T 0 clemmens who is in tile the county jail in salt lake city attempted suicide sunday morning by falling sixteen grains of morphine ile he would undoubtedly have succeeded in his intentions hadnot tile the dose been so large the dose ho he took simply acted as an emetic and was expelled from his stomach lie was found on the floor of his cell by the jailor and medical attendance summoned and was soon pronounced out of danger palmer was in jail awaiting trial on a charge of forgery and seemed to have suffered so keenly from th alie e disgrace of the charge that he be procured the buor morphine from a fellow prisoner with the intention of ending his earthly career on sunday night palmer a again aill made two unsuccessful attempts 0 on a his life once by hanging and later by unscrewing a gas jet but lie was detected in in each instance in time to prevent his death about fifty residents of minneapolis visited sunny utah last week on an excursion under the direction of tile the minneapolis journal when they arrive borne and find two feet of snow theia will be better able to appreciate climate ransom U D I 1 L mitchell of junction who took night flight to evade a tender from the promoters of an irrigating canal cana who desired a L right of way across his land has been captured lie ile refused the otter offer made and i condemnation pro ec edingb will nill be instituted |