Show oa E W P A R T U R E fron this tine time j until further notice 0 J BECKWITH LAUDER will treat produce the same as 13 cash in tho the jj distribution of premiums pictures will he 30 enlarged valuable books will be given bijj i outright 0 besides a splendid variety of N H pictures in the latest styles i will be GIVEN AWAY AWAT aji ABER HIR IN YER MUM deckwith Dock with aa laudora sr this 4 only tri 11 1 S 40 T A steel world range beater why under heavens Sli should people send away for steel 11 hangea anges or anything else for that matter when they can do better with us we also carry NN the MAJESTIC STEWART ranges find and everything in FURNITURE and house furnishings as well as WAGONS SLEIGHS and implements oats 90 cents wheat sa s1 1 at hodges mill BEEMAN CASHIN MER co t the people that hold up prices of produce mr 0 d d P r r r THEATRE TH E the randolph amateur dramatic association will present at the ill M eting house Randol randolph lb on friday evening 1 I march 18 1898 the POPULAR DRAMA T H f at fl S FO LL Y CAST jack dunning A victim of his own folly clyde spencer percy ogden A true ft lend A G rex aihley abley drayton A man of the world arthur mehl mckinnon annon hyrum boggs owner of cowslip farm oscar evans william henry the hired man hyrum norris bell boy at fremont hotel edward spencer dorothy dunning jacks wife miss maud spencer alice granden Gran clen A society pet miss kiss katie south 31 melinda elinda jane boggs from vermont miss mary mckinnon sarah hirama better halt half miss della delia snowball polly flinder A black diamond miss jane mckinnon INIc Kinnon to be followed by the rip roaring farce 4 C J 40 UM 03 bimm ADMISSION 25 CENTS RESERVED SEATS 35 CENTS doors open 7 p m curtain up at 8 TH THEATRE the randolph dramatic troupe will produce on mai march maich ch 15 1898 in the meeting house at randolph the old and popular drama 1 yi c lea TT CAST uncle tom A slave lem mckinnon simon legree A slave SlavcO owner leroy N french st clair uncle toms master elmo dimow W cook gumption cute from vermont robert mckinnon marks A lawyer john R wallis halley A speculator arch mckinnon jr george harris A runaway slave leroy Lc RoyN N F rench french deacon in love with Op ophelia bella william rex shelby Sli elby A plantation owner william T rex sambo badly tanned clyde spencer topsy who had no fadder or miss lilian webb aunt ophella ophelia A blushing damsel mrs elmo IV cook marie maric st clairs wife miss ruth tyson E ellza liza george harris wife miss carrie evans cassa an octoroon miss francis corless emeline A quadroon miss kate south r eva va uncle toms little vilate mckinnon TICKETS 25 CENTS RESERVED SEATS 35 CENTS doors open 7 p m curtain up at 8 0 WE HAVE V in just received a large stock of spring and summer dry goods consisting of y 1 I 1 PRINTS percales percalee Per cales fine white goods P ginghams sl I 1 ir tins dress goods ladies P wrappers shirt waists collars collara and cuffs ribbons pearl buttons comets outings t we also have a good j w assortment of boys B 0 Ys pants from f rom 50 s 00 up ALSO a line 0 of parasols and umbrellas j CALL AUD SEE US t mail oi ders will have prompt attention A johnoson Joh loson THIS SPACE RESERVED coop co op wagon co montpelier in in idaho |