Show BAD BUSINESS hazlett I 1 PI pa sept 11 twenty ow one corpses lie tonight tin in this town forty forts maimed wounded and broken figures lie at the hazleton hospital such was the execution done afternoon ter by deputy sheri sheriffs ff 4 a armed to the teeth upon about ignorant borei foreigners ners whose total armament consisted of tw two n little penknives these facts arc aie undisputed th that at such 1 a I brutal outrage upon de fenceless people could take place in the name name of law and order lit in one of tile mot most mo t civilized civilised civili sed countries of the world Is almot almost past Jeli belief cf and is 1 1 9 pr grievous lovous blot upon americas fair name the attack appears to have been entirely without justification as the men had a perfect right to meet together and discuss their grievances peaceably we believe in thi th law bein being enforced to protect lifland life and property but not to commit coli cold blooded murder on de fenceless people as in this case constitutional rights should be carefully p reserved preserved ind and not violated by those having authority the act ion on of the military authorities in pro pre venting the apprehension of the sheriffs iss af after ter the hie issuance of warrants to fo I 1 that purpose deac deserves ves censure i 1 the constitution lia has 3 been il and retribution is dem deal I 1 eded |