Show fish haven it items ems the health of the people here is excellent born to the wife of chauncey Chaunc cy loveland on aug 30 a daughter all well veil cutting and lian hauling ling the second crop of alfalfa is in progress and the crop is a very heavy one work is about to begin on the black stone mine at st charles where a concentrator is to be erected and the mine is to be worked all win winter t er W L was home f from roin paris on sunday last and reported work on tile the lium humming ming bird mine progressing nicely tucy they have a vein of copper ore forty tive live feet wide which assays essays 30 per cent copper with some gold and silver the tunnel is in about eighty five feet A new tunnel is to be started at once and Is i 3 to run into tile the hill or feet starting further down the hill than the previous one fish haven sept 13 1897 |