Show WANTS WANT kra KNIGHT f Idali oll tind and tying expert 14 lun a challenge boise ida sept I 1 10 0 the IJ fol following lowinA f Clial challenge lenge has been issued 1 I hereby challenge any mail in idaho or utah to 1 a roping copin 9 an and d 1 alvs y in 1 contest of ten g steers steer sor or overt over tb thru i feet of each animal to bo be tied f for ii side bet of from 00 to I 1 coli colinet fet to take place during during the idaho inter mountain fair at boise in october Oc toler 1897 my address is albion assal ida an il I 1 sw am ready to deposit forfeit or iet up entire amount of bet on notice of f IK cep dep tance 11 signed J C cdoil DOLAND fd the fair committee has off offered ercil i a f purse of sa 2 0 ia o for a roping and tying contest doland is the champion of 0 southeastern idaho and is backed kiy john sparks and other rich cattlemen j t of cassia county he 11 a is is particularly r desirous of meeting ray liay knight the utah expert but tile the challenge is open to everybody in in the two states |