Show women Arrest arrested cd for coir ma aching pittsburg bius burg pa sept i ft I 1 emma ama bramms the miners joan cl arc and three other women were ivere arrested for marching at plum creel creek this morning mornin by sheriffs deputies the attempt jo to make the arrests precipitated an iu incipient i riot in which the deputies fared badly no one was seriously hurt but scarcely a deputy escaped A 11 clubbing and superintendent dearmitt Armitt Dc was cut on 11 the hand two of the women arrested carried babies tile the arrest was the result of tile carefully planned attempt to pi event the men at work at plum creek from entering the mines there viere erd awen ty five women and about fifty strikers cra concerned sn in it the plan was to have lave the w omen oman march in front with their babies with the design of working on the sentiments sentiment of the men who w kulil be going to work and to act as a shield to the rest of tho the party the women were to crowd around each man as lie he attempted to go into the mine take his dinner bucket from him and throw it into the ditch |