Show alons savings dank and trust company of nos 1 3 sand and 3 main street salt lake city utah now have on deposit more mor otlia than a million and a half dollars they pay 5 per cent interest per annum and compound the interest four times a year deposits fire sent from all parts of the united states have you yon an account it if not start an account NOW Wo women and children have tho the right to deposit in their own name subject to their own order write for any information nee needed led sl 1 and upward received WILFORD WOODRUFF president GEORGEM GEORGE M CANNON cashier hulls hallo Ca catarrh tarril curo cure Is taken internally price 7 to an any man I 1 WILL PAY 00 FOR ANY CASE of weakness in ten men they treat and lull lall to cure an omahr company places for or the first time before the put lie a MAGICAL TREATMENT tor for the cure of lost vitality nervous aud sexual weakness nud and restoration ot of id lite life force in old and young cef men no worn out french remedy contal contains us no phosphorous or other harmful drugs it is a magical in its it effects positive in its cure all reader re adora who are suffering pring from a weakness that blights baights their e causing cauling that mental and physical Eby suffering peculiar to lost manhood should write to tile STATE MEDICAL COMPANY omaha neb and they will sou send d you absolutely FR FREE a valuable ablo P paper e r 0 on u t these h es 0 dibe 11 b 0 z abea I 1 b 0 an and positive csiti V e proofs 0 a ab t a 1 r t truly r u 1 HE NIE T thousands of 0 men who have lost nil all hope of 0 a cure are being restored by them to a pe perfect condition this MAGICAL may bo be taken take n at home bom a under their biroc directions eions or at abet they wi will I 1 I 1 pay I 1 railroad lail rond fare ond and hot hotel bills to all who to go there lor for treatment it if they fail to cur e they ai aie a poi pel factly reliable have no free pie pi free cure free sample or 0 0 L D fake they have hava capital und guarantee to cure cura every case they treat or I 1 edund ef and every dollar ar or th their air cha charges es may be deposited in 4 bank to be ayt paid to them when a cure are it i gec td wilto wait them today live stock commission I 1 you would keep posted write lor for information prompt jueck returns FRED A SEARS mccornack McCorn lck lek block SALT LALI E CITY PL A I 1 R fe CO SALT LAKE CITY UTAH books and periodicals prepaid to destination at publishers prices out of 0 lonn rutes rates on stationery tati onery offles belau school ol teachers mud aud general supplier huud build a your ordera mon money 1 ey backi you d don 0 n t like sch schilling I 1 za I 1 os o s best tea and money at your grocers s A schilling k co san Frand francisco am DR G the att eldot specialist in the wt west 0 0 OT or M EN im 0 ONE E DOLLAR teed NEED BE PAID UTIL UNTIL YOU A Z DR Q G NV W SHORES always seeking eken to hep help butrica mankind always alway trying trains to convince popl that he b aveo ro r 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consult tag old doctor na be b cured business sacredly T CON BB dr 0 W SHORES webb Wn W ab 3 S lock box 1686 1585 B G salt lake city atalo CUM CUBE YOURSELF CUBES up ui 0 for J I 1 W abdy discharges e 0 J actu a irritations or n b 0 W m of roem branes fregeau bainie and not astria CHEMI CALCO sent bent or polio DOln sold by V S A or tent t in plain per L ly pr prepaid pre paid tor for tl OO 00 or 3 cpr 1 f 2 circular sent bent on r e q alea CAN SAVE YOU TO avo write for nta ca LATEST STYLE iazle SHOE mis n nt 7 RETAILED AT KilE olle OK PROM DElire fica FREI of T riua annc nn f ss um SHOE w co mour 51 cluarn 11 no ir i al 71 s OF a fiust tho mim nit M all lilS c inal t to 3 vension and potent atty atly OH V F st DC fetn ceceli 0 il 0 prompt reply DISCOVERY atres DROPSY fc fackt Kt t V I 1 i o ond for hook of t and 10 treatment free D dr iuliu ii 6 W N U salt lake no 38 1807 alien Answer lux advertisements kiridly mantlow tills this paper elias morris and ana sons Gom company pany 41 4 and HEADST 4 r I 1 X marble land and arani te mantles grates G rates etc IT calt I 1 clr r aitu ti THE salt aalt lake lit WRITE FOR PRICES AND DESIGNS GEO bl SCOTT 1117 JAS glendinning GT EL S president vice president anil and treas secretary aeo rotary geom geo M ac ott i caf IL 0 importers eind feelers IDL Oe elers 3 in B bar ir band qt id jhc sheet ea iron steel cipe AGENTS ron FOR buffalo scale company 1 detri detroit it stove co atlas engine works work john 0 van an iloine home steel range It angea dodge wooden pulleys coles air tight heaters eaters If california powder worlo works worthington steam pumps pampa celebrated anchor brand cylinder and revere rubber co engine oil didgo injectors Inject ors ilowe inowe brown co drill tool T steel leviathan belting miners tools stoves Tim yare etc and a general assortment of abill findings ab MIN 81 gj M W SOUTH D LAKE CU UTAH |