Show paris post Post rost lets court adjourned tuesday night bishop west is slowly recovering from his recent bevere accident the case of the state vs jos A would have been heard before this had not tile the defendant been out of the state believe nothing against another but on 9 good authority nor report what may hurt another unless it be a greater hurt to others to conceal it it if people would tadeas take as much pains to repeat the good they hear of others as they do to lepeak the evil tales dont you think tills this would be a better and a happier world jas 11 II brown proprietor of the paris marble works leaves for logan the early part of next week lf it ile he completes the improvements he is making on ills his main street establishment it is gratifying to know that our subscribers were pleased with the enlarged condition of the post as also the sponger and pilferers pilfer ers although it took them longer to read it and had to borrow it for a longer time in consequence c |