Show MINERS SHOT LIKE SHEEP twenty orto ono killed hilled and forty 11 wounded rounded by deput Sh satt tT sept j 11 the lie strike situation reached a terrible cir crisi isis on th the a outskirts of latimer when a vand band of deputy sheriffs fired into a tody body of miners tile the men fell like so many sheep and the excitement was so very in intense that nothing like accurate figures sasto as to the number of killed and wounded could be obtained to te strikers left hazleton about and it was IV as the their ir iti intention t antion to tc go to latimer As soon althis as this became known a band of deputies were loaded onto a trolley car all anil went whirling across the mountain to the scene where the bloody conflict condict followed after reaching latimer they left the car and formed into three companies under thomas hall E A iless and samuel U B price they drew up in line at the edge of the village with willi a fence arid and a line of houses in their rear fear sheriff shai ier martin was vas in entire command and stood in front of the line until tile the miners approached they were seen coming neross across the ridge and martin went out to meet them the men drew up suddenly and listened in silence while lie he once more read the riot act this finished a low muttering arose among the foreigners and their was a slight move movement forward this the sheriff stopped stepped forward toward them and in a determined tone forbade advance some one struck the sheriff and the next moment there was a command to the deputies to fire the guns ot of the deputies instantly belched forth a terrible volley the report seemed to shake the very mountains and a cry of dismay went up from the people the strikers were I 1 taken entirely by surprise and as the men topple dand fell over each other those who remained unhurt stampeded the men went down like ten pins and the groans of the dead and wounded filled tile the air the excitement that followed was simply indescribable the deputies deemed to be terror stricken at the deadly execution of their guns and cecin seeing tho the living miners fleeing like wild they went to the aid of the unfortunates whom they had bad brought down the sheriff is is almost universally censured censure il an and d condemned A meeting held by bankers and coal operators petitioned the governor for state troops while another meeting attended by thousands of citizens requested that troops be not sent in an interview sheriff martin was ask e 1 I when you met the men were they on the companas comp anys or the public road they were on tho the public road lie be replied were they marching toward latimer yes had they up to that time committed any overt act or acted any way but no why then did you order the deputies to fire 1 I did not order the deputies to fire someone else did that first came a single shot and then a volley I 1 gave no order how many were killed there were 12 dead when I 1 left and about 40 wounded were any of your men hurt one of my deputies was shot through the arm 11 sheriff martin when he reached Wilkes barre was badly scared though he claims to hare lave been brutally assaulted when seen ho be lid did not have a mark on liis his person ier sori and no show that he hall had been roughly handled all classes of citizens in this city and county unite in condemning sheriff martins hasty basty action |