Show RICH COUNTY GOLD isalt salt lake herald ogden sept 14 C C smith returned late last night from rich county and brought with him some samples ot of ore from the alice mine or better known as the new monte cristo V the discovery of rich gold ore in the alice was made a few weeks ago and the tact fact has aroused quite a ripple rippie of excitement in ill ogden the ore is of a peculiar formation and it puzzles some old miners and prospectors to make out what it is it is not known yet whether the vein is in a fissure or blanket form the shaft Is down to a depth of about eight feet and the vein matter is about eight feet in width the ore occurs in a soft shale sh ale like formation which resembles coal very much several assays essays have been taken which showed values of 48 to 54 per ton in gold A team was sent out to the mine yesterday and when it returns a 1000 pound sample will be brought down own and sent to salt lake to be sampled tile the property is located about ia 72 miles east of ogden and about 1 20 0 miles southeast of randolph and 17 miles mile in the same direction from woodruff the owners of the property are P D W ellis james and Jed jedediah ediab pidcock F frank rank keys and others these gentlemen have located several other claims along the vein known knoer i as aa tile the ester chilkoot chilkott Chil koot and klondike all of which show droppings crop pings of the same class of mineral minera I 1 as found in the alice mr smith states that the country is being located fast and himself E F taylor D D smith and norman ives located six claims in the black shale formation is also found a reddish sandstone which carries the highest aighes t values D W ellis one of the owners of the alice returned from the mine yesterday greatly enthused over the outlook lie ile brought with him some fine looking specimens in wh which ich can be seen with ith the naked eye pure gold thickly impregnating the coal like substance some of the samples lie brought with him it is said would assay as high as in gold the property has been known by ogden parties for 20 years but it was always supposed to be a coal proposition the owners of the property held a meeting last night at which it was decided to pus push sh development work with all possible speed mr jed will leave for tile the workings today |