Show LOCALS school opened on monday M mr r J L M L livingstone v ing stone returned from a business trip ro Ei scansion anston saturday bistor machine oil anly illy 33 3 cents per gallon in 5 gallon cans mckinnon bros the concert given by the Y L M I 1 A on in wednesday evening 6 was a success 1 in n cn cery ery particular the colorado poultry journal is tile one to subscribe kub scribe for 50 cents per year ar published at denver colo miss lillian webb has secured dutli chent pupils to wai warrant rant her remaining here to give music lesson the ensuing winter mrs jane swartz G A peart ind and wife I 1 mrs katie katic snowball and miss alis anna corless left for logan last saturday to do temple work nork mr gus olson of evasion evanston was i randolph visitor last friday lie ile made our sanctum a visit and planked blanked down a silver dollar for a years subscription archie INIc mckinnon Kinnon jr has been quite unwell with stomach trouble for some little time and thursday was seriously ill lie ile is much lucli better this morning his many friends hope to soon see sec him well and strong again jas 11 II brown bronn of the film of brown sons of logan has established a branch works at paris ind and is prepared to do all kinds kind of ornamental work in plaster of paris suitable f for or house decorations get ills figures lor marble arid and grave gravestones stones prices very reasonable J 11 II brown bronn 11 paris idaho old s for sale at this office 25 23 cents per hundred A beautiful picture of the salt lake temple with flame riven given away at mckinnon bros mrs frank snowball has been quite ill for sonie some days but is now bearc pleased to say improving beckwith and lauder have had their adv changed this thib week see N what hat they have to say to you 2 0 B crawfurd crawford of woodruff and chas cha jensen jansen of otter creek paid us sub substantial tant ial visits last saturday I 1 call again gentlemen the salt lake tribunes fifty years ago sketches lias has been compiled and republished republish cd in handsome I 1 book form with illuminated mated cover by mail at tribune office the evanston party who ni went ent over to the CraNN crawford ford land sale hale lat la t satur day consisted of mr and mrs jos E cashin casbin mr arid and mrs charles stone mr frank ind and three eastern gentlemen L it of clarinda iowa john julius of Ville bea towa iowa and L lawrence of altuna altona ill each cadi purchased a farm it at the crawford land sale last sat satin it I 1 day two of these gentlemen haie returned tu to report to others who will undoubtedly follow and pu purchase farms this fall or winter mr lawrence remains and will go to NN work ork at once many people are awaiting the report of the eastern gentlemen who attended the sale last katurd ay andar and mr feels confident that the land hind will all be bold 1 beautiful weather 1 ready for threshing second crop of lucern about all lial in avery a very heavy yield 05 cents paid for county warrants at mckinnon bros born to the wife of 0 W jacobson on thursday a son all well mrs geo earley of bound valley was visiting in III randolph this week mrs hans hansen of garden carden city went to E evanston on oil saturday to visit relatives dr hooker hocker was brought from evanston to A mckinnon jr and arrived here about 2 p in today mr and mrs john D fackrell and family returned from vernal where they have been visiting relatives on wednesday doctor manz writes the examiner that lie he will be in town shortly and make it hot for you for slander all right conic come on doc montpelier examiner why remain sick or in pain when y you oil uan can be cured by using pain paint price 25 and 50 cents per bottle ET E T pope sole agent randolph utah the deseret news weekly or semiweekly and THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP per yeat the semiweekly semi weekly salt lake tribune and THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP ull per year the semiweekly semi weekly salt lake lak e herald and THE ROUNDUP ROUND DUP UP 1 1223 pe per r year governor wells appointed A IV I 1 as supervisor to look after gitlic the expenditure of rich countes coun tys share of the appropriation for roads road bet between vicen rich cache and we weber counties the was made on oil monday E R south will have charge of the party who are to build the road to ogden ind and A IN will have charge of the logan road party york work will cemi commence nence as soon as tile the decide on the course the roads ire are to take A jury composed of P J gorman german A 11 II E elam lam and A D chamberlain empanelled empanel led to find out the cause of hattic death at evanston returned a verdict that slie she died from the effects of an abortion performed by dr C 11 II blackburn martin vilio was hold held as an accessory has been discharged A ak cure for colic resource screven co ga I 1 have been subject to attacks of bilious col bolc ic for several years chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea remedy is the only sure relief relict it acts like a charm one dose done of it gives bellef when all other remedies tail fall G D SHARP for sale by all medicine dealers frank agent for the wyoming and utah land irrigation co is registered at the marx from the east he is accompanied by L R 31 of clarinda and john julius of lisca iowa and mr L lawrence of altona ill these gentlemen will look over the land controlled by tile company with a view to set it and are representing others that are desirous of if corning coming wyoming press my buy boy came home from school one lay day with liis his hand badly lacerated and bleeding and suffering great pain says mr E J shall with meyer bros drug 0 co st lou louis s no mo 1 I dressed the wound and applied chamberlains pain balm balin freely all pain cea cd and in a re remarkably markab ly short time it coaled without leaving a sear scar for wounds sprains swellings and rheumatism I 1 know of if no medicine or prescription eual to it I 1 consider it a I 1 household necessity the 25 ind and GO 50 cent sizes for sale by all medicine dealers last evening a number of parties returned froni from the he new mining camp of monte cristo in rich county where they had been prospecting some of them brought back a quantity of acry promising looking rock which they will have assayed 9 and the they report that the district gives strong indications of showing of good mines the mineral deposit it is said extends over a larger area than at first m bt supposed and some of the most recent discoveries appear to be richer than the first claims located by Pi pidcock deock great hopes are entertained led that the discovery will develop a rich mining camp tribune |