Show LOCALS splendid crops harvesting in full new kew potatoes for sale 1 cent per ib clias chas south labor day sept 1 is a national and A lu hale has returned to ills his home at afton wyo old newspapers for sale at tills this ollice office 25 cents per hundred miss alpha grant returned to salt lake city lat last friday mckinnon bros have sent to evanston for another load of goods good the utah state journal is again on our exchange list we welcome it A 11 II linford of garden city was a pleasant caller at this office wednesday A lu hale has increased the reward offered for recovery of the horses lost spencer bros have this week received another consignment of goods see their changed adv our correspondents are slowly waking up we should be pleased to hear from them a little oftener every hotel in rich eich county should keep tue THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP on file for the information of their guests seer secretary tary wesley K walton of the state land board is enjoying a vacation on his ranch at woodruff residents of bear lake valley report a number of visitors at the beautiful towns along the lake shore one blessing the people of rich eich county enjoy an immunity from the fly nuisance so com common mon further south A native of the celestial empire was a passenger on the stage tuesday aie lie is en engaged a ed as cook on the shield ranch chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea always affords prompt relief for sale by all medicine e dealers do you want to subscribe for the deseret news tribune or herald see cheap rates offered elsewhere in these columns judge hart is spending ills his vacation in company with ills his parents in the mountains of bear lake county logan journal sisters Sister mary freeze and campbell of salt lake will visit the Y L if 1 I A at 2 p in friday aug the 1897 all are invited mr pete arnan G artian manager of the evanston implement co is of the pinion opinion that business is improving he reports doing good trade why remain sick or in pain when you tan can be cured by usina pain paint price 25 and 50 cents per bottle ET E T pope sole agent randolph utah the salt lake tribunes fitly fifty years ago sketches has been compiled and republished in handsome book form wi with alth illuminated cover by mail at tribune office brigham youngs picture in the salt lake tribunes fifty years ago just published in book form is said by one of the late presidents sons to bethe be the best likeness ever anted president wilford woodruffs personal diary written fifty years ago supplied much of the matter from which the salt lake tribune complied compiled its celebrated pioneer story of fifty years ago today mr geo S marx of evanston has returned from his trip to the yellowstone ile he enjoyed himself immensely arid and looks much better tor for the trip we had the pleasure of shaking hands with him tuesday attorney jas II 11 wallis anticipates anticipate attending all se sessions scions of the district court and will promptly attend to all probate civil and criminal business entrusted to his care address care of THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP ul or paris idaho every etonian should have bave a copy of F fifty efty years ago today which the salt lake tribune has published in an all attractive form it has 12 3 illustrations I 1 us orations trat ions and much historical in matter at not included in the ori original binal series has been added price by mail carl torp was arrested tuesday for grazing sheep without a license lie he was taken before the justice of the peace at woodruff and fined arid and costs being unable to pay the fine he now languishes in the county jail it is believed the fine will be paid in a day or two lie ile is the first occupant of the jail since coughlin it is always gratifying to receive test testimonials Imo nials for chamberlains C colic olle cholera and diarrhoea remedy and when aben the endorsement is front from i 1 physician it is especially so there is no more satisfactory or effect ic c remedy than chamberlains colic col ic cholera and diarrhoea remedy writes dr it E robey physician and pharmacist of olney sio ifo and as lie lias has used the remedy in his own family and sold it in his drug store for six years lie should certainly know fur sale byall by ili medi medicine chic dealers I 1 beautiful weather threshing will soon commence frank lewis ot of paris ida was in town wednesday 95 0 i cents paid for county warrants at mckinnon bros ali firby A crop of hay all in second crop looking first class J C farner came over with a load of garden cites luscious fruit thursday beeman cashin are in the field with a splendid line of sporting porting goods see their adv in this issue the colorado poultry journal is the one to subscribe for 50 cents per year published at denver colo william hale has returned to his star valley home at afton and his brother caspar is now driving the evanston stage tos jos II 11 neville will commence making bricks on monday for some new dwelling houses which are to be erected here this coming fall more afore sheep herders gerders were up before the J P at woodruff and fined yesterday evening we are unable c to learn particulars at time of going to press we have been requested to publish some poetry composed by elder C R spencer at present our space is so limited that we cannot comply with the request mr john of lake town rich county was in logan tuesday renting a residence for the winter so as to give his children the advantage of logans excellent school system logan journal business is improving and the enterprising firm of beeman cashin casbin are cognisant cognizant of the fact the outside of the immense stoie stoic is receiving a coat of paint and the signs etc are ano also bein being m repainted the deseret news weekly or ami semi and THE ROUND UP ur per the semiweekly semi weekly salt lake tribune and tim THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP per year the semiweekly semi weekly salt lake herald and tim THE ROUNDUP ROUND UP ur per year the tribune has just gotten out its fifty year sketches in attractive book form printed on fine paper and with a colored cover A history of the whole year of 1847 14 included and illustrations make the book a valuable pioneer souvenir price by mail 20 C or 15 cents at the of tile the tribune in salt lake city idaho seems to be well represented in the salt lake tribunes fifty years ago today series portraits of a doen pioneers of utah who afterwards pioneered idaho appear in the series and of the twenty eight living utah pioneers idaho is proud to lo have as her citizens four of that number green flake of john grays lake perry decker of grand view 0 F eastman of idalio idaho falls and stephen kelbey of paris the utah press association excursion to castilla last saturday was the means of bringing large crowds to that resort and a good time was had byall by all A business session of theassa the association was held in the morning and in the afternoon various sports were had bad and prizes given in the evening mr rognon in behalf of the association presented kr IV r D P felt the ex president who left yesterday on a mission with a purse as a token of esteem from his hib brethren brell iren of tho the press A hearty vote of thanks was tendered by the association to southworth bros for their hospitality also to Wad wadleigh and heintz of the I 1 kio io grande western fur for their assistance in making the outing a success we are now able to inform our garden city correspondent and our paris contemporary that the late legislature appropriated 2500 to be expended upon the roads between weber cache and rich eich counties under the super supervision ision of a commission to be appointed by the governor it is understood that the money is available but the commission has not yet been appointed last spring 0 the county coty commissioners appropriated and spent upon the road in loran logan g canyon and there was a very fair road for about twenty up but cattle and aimont numberless sheep herds have filled the dug ways it if the legislative appropriation is to be adall available this summer it is high time work was begun on the road the county commissioners have no control whatever of th s fund logan journal |