Show thearty the army cycle corps Corp fl st louis mo ali aug 10 lieutenant james moss antiss and tile members of the bicycle corps of the hie twenty fifth re regiment i U S A will leave Jef jefferson feroll barracks on the lath by rail to their regiment at lort fort missoula mont when lieutenant moss reaches I 1 fort 0 o r t missoula liis his first duty will ie be to prepare a detailed report of the trip and foiw forward ard it to the war dep department artmen t the report to be furnished the war department will contain more of the journey than has beached leached the general public including the quantity of rations carried the details of their consumption and distribution tile the an beigh t of ac accoutrements coutre ments and the he detailed marinca of their shifting the arrangement of the repair problem so that the entire command was never delayed in progress tile the physical capacity of the men to cover cert certain aill distances in cei tain times the effects ol of hunger and thirst the adaptability of the wheel to topographical and mateo rodical conditions all these considerations erat crati ions onswill will be discussed |