Show NOTICE there will be a meeting of the stockholders of the R W canal co saturday august 21 1897 at 2 p in for the purpose of taking under tinder consideration the construction of a waste ditch and to fo any other business that may come before the meeting by order of the board dated baled august 0 IV JACOBSON accy DONT T buy your BINDING TWINE U until antil you get our prices we cau can supply you CHEAPER than anyone else dont forget that we have a nice line of mowers IVi rakes buggies binders etc and cah sell as cheap as the next fellow we have received a large shipment of the celebrated celebrate ct ELDORADO CASTOR ON MACHINE OIL andean and can quote the lowest price possible on same MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED r V Xi out B r ac K wit CA I 1 apa L AA UT are buyers of farm produce of every kind direct from the Far farmer nier brills fatt HIT T ji ui V i V ui aai H fi ff headquarters for a n M ni c LJ h A su S u k P P this spring an entire new stock of clochin clothing n is put in at prices that will Ast astonish nish the line of gents all wool suta stilts at to in ill ick i ind and fancy cloths claths are actually 1 I s good bodas as those formerly sold nt at 1200 to 1300 1 00 just arrived aarm d a carload car ear load of barb wire get our prices they are the low lowest st h EP 11 ws amr rows aldow airs rik 1 vs 33 and B 0 spring wagons buggies and bain old flick hickory clory hi ory wagons in fact everything needed on a farm or ranch terms and prices right grain taken in exchange GIVE US A CALL ETan sion implement company winchester fester RIFLES 1575 cash all sizes and models the largest line of esporti sporting m goods ghodsi in town id eastern prices BEEMAN CASHIN MER GO coa vanston evanston wyoming |