Show A remarkable cure of chronic Diar diarrhoea in 1802 1862 when I 1 served my country as a private in company A volunteers I 1 contracted chronic ironic cl diarrhoea it liis has kiven given men great deal of trouble eer since I 1 have tried a dozen different medicines and several prominent doctors without any permanent relief not lung long ago a friend sent me a sample bottle ot of chamberlains colic cholera and diarrhoea ecsedy Rei riedy and after that I 1 bought and took a 50 cent bottle and now I 1 can call say that I 1 am entirely cured I 1 cannot be thankful enough to you tor for this great remedy and recommend it to all suffering veterans if in doubt write me yours gratefully HENRY Y steinberger STEINBERG EK allentown Allen pa sold by all medicine dealers |