Show battle scene pictured in a tomb on oil one of the walls ot of a tomb recently discovered in egypt by professor S flinders petrie is pictured a battlo battle SC scene ene anterior in date to anything yet found ol of that description Prey previous lous to this discovery the earliest representation of a battle Is that foundas deal benl elasan of twelfth dynasty date which is a poor and tame depiction when compared with this campa campaign against the catl ol of so southern syria here tho the egyptians egyptian are sen seen armed with the eaily battle axes a stick to tile the end of which a 1 thin piece ot of metal Is attached tho the catl are armed with bows bours and arrows some of the satt lie dead pierced with arrows others are enraged in a hand to hand struggle with their enemies while others still break their bows in token of submission in tho the lowest register of 0 this mural decoration rat ion an egyptian is seen carrying off a catl girl on hla his shoulder while others othere among the victors are driving the mals male captives onwards the th only representation sent sen tation atlon yet discovered which shows the egyptians bearing away the of a vanquished too foe within the tha walled fort of the catl is the most curious scene of this very interesting fresco at first sight the battle appears to be between men and women and though tile the women clearly belong to tile the satt tribe the men are neither egyptian nor sati the natural supposition Is that they are the bedouin allies of 0 the egyptian who like the modern bedouin prefer plunder to fighting these seeing the catl defeated in the held field have scaled the walls walla by means of a ladder only to be met and discomfited by the women in every ev cry register of this fiesco the bedouin De dollin are seen stabbed tripped up tip pulled down and utterly defeated by the sail gati women in tile the middle register Is the sail chief who tears his hair on lie hearing aring I 1 the news of the defeat of his people a bedouin who tries to force his way into the chiefs presence Is killed by a woman on the lowest register are two egyptians armed with long picks mining under the wall they have almost made their way through tigh within the wall are two of the sati salt men listening intently to the sound of the picks |