Show FROM ALABAMA LETTER I FRO frol missionary cills CHAS R ar sprncer SPENCER editor THE roundup round up As it is some time since I 1 last wrote to your valuable paper I 1 thought a few more lines would be acceptable I 1 am now laboring with my brethren of the south alabama coref conference arence with a strong desire to plant the flag ot of peace and gods word in this part of tile the vineyard As a rule we have been well received and I 1 have had the opportunity of visiting a large number of people since I 1 left my home I 1 had the pleasure of meeting with thirty six elders of isriel israel at our annual conference which was held on the bilth and of may last and among this noble band of heirs yea joint heirs of jesus christ I 1 met one of my old friends elder ed benzley Benz lcy who I 1 was more than glad to see As we both hailed from the same town we had the pleasure sure of relating to each other our lips and downs in the sunny south and had a grand feast not only of temporal concerns but of spiritual things as well it was an occasion which will long be remembered by myself as well as others for I 1 believe there was not one elder left the conference grounds who did not carry the spirit of god with him and felt like pushing on in the glorious work by preaching the gospel of jesus christ unto the world tile the savior has said till this gospel shall be preached unto the world as a witness and woe unto them that reject this glad meg message sage 11 As god has seen tit fit to call me forth as an ambassador of truth I 1 hope and trust ile he will bless me and enable ire to do the work the weather is quite warm here and the cotton and corn crops are look looking nn ell CHAS R SPENCER marion perry co ala july |