Show AN OUTRAGE the post published at paris idaho by jas H wallis lias has been calling tile the attention of the public bublic to the extra extravagance varance t in tale the sheriffs office at that place ard and has thereby incurred the wrath of the officials connected therewith which ended last monday morning 11 by two of the deputy sheriffs 9 going to the office of the post and an d i while one abne kept guard on tho the outside the other entered tho office and committed a dastardly assault upon the editor the brutal coward wa who 0 in point of size size find and strength is a match for two wo such men as S wallis took his victim at a disadvantage and did not leave him until he fie was battered almost beyond aleco recognition 0 and would not have done so then but for the unexpected appearance of brown the whole business appears appeals to be the result of a conspiracy to do wallis ur grevious brevious evious bodily harm for his exposure of the sheriffs office it is tw dilt duty 11 of a newspaper to call tile the ai attention of the people to evs evils which occur in public offices especially when tile the taxpayer is ig made to pay for such evil the newspaper editor who knows positively that the peoples is being bein squandered and not expose it is not doing his duty that the post stated the truth concerning tile the sheriffs office is is proven by the assault made upon its editor while the law and respectable citizens are 1 behind bind them tile the newspapers will not be deterred from their duty by brutal bullies bear lake county can surely find nien men deserving of tb the e nanie name to act as deputy sheriffs those it at pre present sent holding office hardly appear civilised civilized civili sed |