Show assessment A of sheep boise jda ida aug 17 the board of equalization has sent the sheriff of ada county to custer culler to get the abstract of the assessment roll ot of that county the members of the board who have been absent looking up ill the matter of the assessment of sheep have all returned deputy auditor turner came with state auditor Ander anderaon An derbon bou from bannock lie he states that the abstract of assessment shows h correct number of sheep for that county the sheep which it has been supposed are grazed there lie ho says are grazed ri abed I 1 in bingham Hing ham state auditor storer who has been to bingham ingham ll to look into the matter is of the same opinion ito ile states that the action of the state board lias has had the effect of stirring up the there and the assessor has gone one out to hunt up tip the sheep storer thinks from to will be found the state lie ho says will vill get its proportion of taxes but the question of fixing the total assessment ses of the county for the purpose of making the state apportionment ol of taxes is one that there does not seem to be any solution of as that apportionment tion ment must be made now |