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Show IN THE PiiOiJATE DIVISION OK TMU EYENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT DIS-TRICT COI RT OF THE STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF S VX-PETE. VX-PETE. In the matter of the estate of JJ. P. Aagsrd, Deceased. Notice of Sale of Real Estate t'i The undersigned will sell at pri- er- vate sale the following described real Th estate in Sanpete County, State of JL Utah, to-wit: p The West Half of Lot Two In Block Thirty-eight as Platted In Plat "A" Fountain Green Survey, Sanpete County, Utah, containing 84 H sq. rods. A parcel of land beginning at a point 7.35 chains North 2 degrees West 17.25 chains from the S. E. corner of the S. W. 4 of Sec. 20, Twp. 14 S., R. 3 E., S. L. M., and running thence North 20 degrees West 9.2 5 chains, thence North 68 degrees West 11.25 chains, thence South 8.00 chains, thence South 68 degrees East 14 chains to the point of beginning, containing 10 acreB, more or less. A parcel beginning at the Quarter Section corner between sections 19 and 20, Twp. 14 S.. R. 3 E., S. L. M.; thence East 7.90 chains, thence South 89 degrees East 6.75 chains, thence South 3 degrees West 8.05 chains, thence South 88 degrees West 6.75 chains, thence North 3 degrees East 9.75 chains, thence North 86 degrees West 6.90 chains, thence North 6.50 chains to place of beginning, contain-10.38 contain-10.38 Acres. A' parcel of land situated In the North West of the North West V of Sec. 2 0, Twp. 14 S., R. 3 E., S. L. M., containing 2. 20 Acres. I The North West of the North , West Vi of section 36; the North East of the North East of Section 27; the South West Vi of the South West Vt of Section 23; and the South East Vi of the South East of Section 22, in Township 15 South, Range 4 East of the Salt Lake Meridian, containing 160 Acres. i. Also 161, s'hares of the Capital Stock of the Fountin Green Irrigation Irriga-tion Company, and 2 shares of the Fountain Green Irrigation Company, (Birch Creek Division), and 157 share of Stock in the Spring City Irrigation Company. On or after Saturday, January 16, 1915, and written bids will be received re-ceived at the residence of the undersigned under-signed at Fountain Green City, Sanpete San-pete County, State of Utah, until 12 o'clock, noon, on Saturdav, January 16. 1915. Terms of Sale; Ten per cent of the bid at the time of the sale and the balance to be paid upon confirmation of the sale by the Court. Dated December 29, 1914. James L. Neilson, Administrator of the estate of N. P. Aagard, de- " -- deceased. George Christensen, Attorney for Administrator. |