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Show In the Probate Division of the Seventh Sev-enth Judicial District Court of the County of Sanpete, State of Utah In the matter of the Estate of illiam 1 ord, Deceased. Notice of Sale of Ileal Estate The undersigned will sell at private pri-vate sale the following described real estate in Spring City, Sanpete County. Coun-ty. State of Utah, to-wit: All of Lol lour (4) in Block Fifty-five (55), as plaited in Plat "A" Spring City Survey, Sanpete County, Utah; together to-gether with one and one fourth Acres of Primary Water Right to the waters wa-ters of Oak and Canal Creeks. On or after Saturday, January 9, 1915, and written bids will be received a( the residence of the undersigned at Spring City, Sanpete County, State of Utah, until 12 o'clock noon, on Sat- - irday, January 9, 1915. ' - j "' Terms of ,'3ale: Ten per cent of the J fltt !,id at the time of the sale and the T ikj balance to be paid upon confirma-jfl. confirma-jfl. ,jon Qf gale by the Q0urt John S. Blain, Administrator of the estate ot William Ford, Deceased. Dated December 23, 1914. George Christensen, Attorney for Administrator. |