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Show BRYAN APPEALS TO GERMAN-AMERICANS ; URGES THEM TO EXERT THEIR I INFLUENCE TO PREVENT WAR I WITH THIS COUNTRY. Declares Administration Has Observed Observ-ed Strict Neutrality and That Germany Ger-many Should Grant Our Demands Regarding Submarine Warfare. . i Washington. In an appeal Issued on June 11 to German-Americans, to j w hom he referred as "fellow citizens i In whose patriotism I have entire con-j con-j fidence," former Secretary of State ! Bryan urged: ' That they aid In maintaining peace ' between the l'nited States and the fatherland by using their Influence i with the German government against 1 steps that might lead to war. i That they forget, never to be re-: re-: called, any suspicion of lack of neu-: neu-: traUC)' or friendship toward the Ger-I Ger-I man people on the part of the presi- dent of the L'nited States. ! That they should not attempt to connect negotiations between xne j United States and Germany with those between the L'nited States and Great Britain because "the cases are ! different." i That Germany should acquiesce In demands that have been made by the l'nited States without condition, trust-! trust-! Ing the "l'nited States to deal justly j with her In the consideration of any changes she may propose In the in-i in-i ternational rules that govern the tak j Ing of prizes" grow ing out of subma-! subma-! rine warfare. Mr. llryan declared that President Wilson had been unjustly criticised ' by partisans of both sides in the Kuropean conflict. j Kxpressed confidence that Germans i would stand by their adopted country In case of war between the l'nited States and Germany. Maintained that killing of Innocent women and children, either by drown Ing or starving, could not be justified. Suggested a change In the shipping laws to exclude passengers from ships carrying contraband or ammunition. |