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Show CATCHING UP WITH CHINA i Western World Has Adopted System j Lonfl Popular In Great Errplre of the Orient. Gradually, very gradually, clvlliza-tton clvlliza-tton is catching up with the Chinese I The I'nlvorslty of California has I established a new profession that of keeping people well. Those who adopt this calling will go Into the world and earn fat fees by not letting folks (all 111. Sickness will mean starvation to the practitioners; a healthy populace ' will make t hem rich ' In China the doctors have never looked to the sick for business Only while their patients were well could the physicians charge for services I rendered When a patron fell III the doctor's Income shrunk: when reoov- ered the convalescent resumed feeing ' his medical ndvlser. ! It Is a good scheme, evidently, or i we o." the wiser world would not have j taken up with It after having so many i thousands (if years to Investigate Its i workings. In time, perhaps, all the vv Isdom of the Celestials will become I ours hy adoption. - St. Joseph Gazette. |