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Show SAVE WILLIAM PENN"S CHAIRS : National Heirlooms, About to Apart, Have Been Repaired by Blind Women. ' Two quaint and graceful cLfitrs ti-.t once belonged to William P:nn hii Just been repaired by two women i-have i-have never seen the chairs, sas Philadelphia Ledger. The two o-"j are inmates of the Penns.vlvar.ii h. dustrial Home for Llir.d WcrEe. chairs are preserved in the an rv.3 of Independence hall, cti the s-kc-! ' floor. Year by year the cane b.t:.; of the famous old relics have !; rradually cracking End faliisi ?r. The comn.ittee in charge decided ;hi-unless ;hi-unless the cane was rei laced woodwork might socn collapse, j-.-they did not dare to" the c'zi.n be taken out of Congress hall. i So thc-y sent for Mi?s Ira Frost. - j. tress cf handicraft fit the lr.d--.:i Home for Flir.d Wen:t-n. ana sir broucht with her to the roc a to ri (he blind women Lo unierstoc-j ci-s..; repairing. The wcrk was peculitrlj diff.cult, for It was Impossible to rt in Con press tall the canicp u b'.e n4 ed to bold the chairs firmly in lizt ar.d, moreover, their woodwork ii soft with age. Put the deft "ierii; P.r.cers" of the blir.s wcrr.en d:ii tie work in spite of all the dicu'.::. ii now the precious Wi'.kam Feta ctiii are safe. |