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Show Local News Items Miss Ellen Richinsj Miss Betty Carlson and Miss Laura Adams s'pent Monday in Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gourley and two children arrived this week from Minersville and will spend the summer here, Mrs. . Leonard Fryer entertained at a delightful party in the second sec-ond ward recreation hall Thursday Thurs-day evening in honor of her daughter, daugh-ter, Mrs. Thorne Smith, formerly Miss Maxine Fryer, who was mar-ired mar-ired on Monday. A delightful evening was spent and tasty refreshments served to a large number of relatives and friends whq came to greet the young bride, who received a large assortment assort-ment of lovely gifts, and all possible pos-sible good wishes. Mrs. Erma Tomlinson, the bride's aunt, had charge of the program which included a piano solo, "O Promise Me," by Mrs. Mabel King; to vocal solos, "I Love You Truly" and "True Blue," by Mrs. May R. Walker, accompanied by Mrs. King; vocal solo, "Because," by Jeanne West, accompanied by Maurine Lim; clarinet solo by Kay Jacobs; vocal solo, "Love Came Calling Me One Morning," Mrs. King, and a vocal solo, "Smilin' Through," by Mrs. Vern Gillman, accompanied by Mrs. May R. Walker; reading by Mrs. Erma Harper, a toast to the bride by Mrs. Stella Peay and readings by Mrs. Martha Peterson; two vocal solos by Jlmmie Smith. |