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Show 9 , ' " t : 1 Years Ahead Now for j 4 Dependable Electric j : X I Service I X X i Those who have had installed in their homes electric X t service that from now on will cook for you heat water for you furnish electric refrigeration and ren- i der a dozen more helpful services in the home have $ brought happiness with them. Plan to have these in X t your Christmas budget. 1 ! ! X This service will operate in many ways on the farm itself. It will furnish running water under pressure, ! 1 furnish heat and light in the poultry houses and there- X by increase egg production, light the entire farm yard, I t operate various machines and take the back-breaking chores out of farming altogether. I t X . f Combination Rates ! Now in Effect t x X x These rates make it possible to equip your farm and $ farm home with labor-saving service at a reasonable cost. Please call upon our office nearest to you or drop t in our office end discuss the application to your home cf Labor saving services. You are in no way obligated. I I IT'S HERE 1 J "Natural" Permanent Wave 1 The very loveliest fSSv I The verv latest. JP"$S0k l l The verv lasting. 1 "v.. fis.'tf in g I You can now )-f::'UJ ftf have at no sreat- f&fff M0 er cost than other Hf II interior methods, "1 SJI'few ft 1 'beautiful, s.oft. T Ij2? J I lovely, natural jF" wave with ringlet pif ends. 6fi Phone for appointment now. j j La Beaute Shoppe I Telephone 107 Pleasant Grove j j UTAH POWER I LIGHT CO. j x Efficient Public Service i i j j |