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Show Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gudmundsen were in Copiperton on Thanksgiving day visiting their daughter, Mrs. P. L. Loveless, and son, Stanley Gudmundsen, Gud-mundsen, and families. Mrs. Rose H. Grant and Mrs. Lo-rena Lo-rena Peterson and sons, were guests in Provoi of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grant and family on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Verdell Sundberg, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baker of Salt Lake C5ty, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Monson of Bingham Canyon, were Thanksgiving day visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. 't. Baker. Mrs. Emma Chase and daughter, Mrs. H. F. Pyke and baby, and Mr. and Mrs. David Clayiton of Salt Lake City, were Sunday visitors at the S. F. Grant home. Miss LaFriel Myers, who is attending attend-ing the TJ. A. C at Logan, visited the Thanksgiving holidays with her parents, par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Myers. Miss Myers, who is a member of the U. A. C Military band, was in attend, ance with the band atf the TJ. A. C. and U. of TJ. annual football game in Salt Lake on Thanksgiving day. She and one other girl student are the only females in the band, and Miss Myers has the distinction of being be-ing secretary and treasurer of that organization. Dr. C. C. Randall of Logan, and Miss Short, a nurse at the Cache Valley hospital, were dinner guests last Wednesday at the S. W. Chip-man Chip-man home. Mrs. Chipman accompanied accomp-anied them to Logan and remained until Saturday, a guest at the Randall Ran-dall home. That afternoon, Mrs. Randall and son, Clarence, Mrs. Chiipman and Misses M'yrle and Ruth Chipman, who are teaching school in Salt Lake City and Ogden respectively, respective-ly, returned to American Fork, Mrs. Randall and son, and Myrle and Ruth visiting over the week-end with their parents. o Her Step -Husband" Is Tonight Everything is in readiness for the highly entertaining three-act comedy drama "Her Step-Husband" to be presented tonite (Saturday) in the American Fork High School Auditor, ium by the Third Ward Dramatic Co. The play abounds in humorous situations sit-uations insuring an evening of merriment merri-ment and genuine enjoyment. The cast consists of the following well known and experienced players: Walter B. Devey, as Harvey P. Marshall' Mary's permanent husband; Lucretia Ashby, as Mary Marshall, an Incurable romanticist; Everett Devey, .as Dr. Gerald Niles (Jerry) ; Mary's ' 'husband pro tern; Mary Abel, as Silvia ! Allen, Mary's friend; Mada Shelley, as Miss Emily Paisley (Aunt Emmy) ; ' Edward Lee, playing the double role . 'of exeonvict and affiable cop; Violet I Pirk, as Florence Ainslee, Mary's ' cousin, whose engagement to (the "step-husband" causes interesting situation; and Etta Abel, as Mary's 'maid. |