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Show Autoists Must Get Licenses Feb. 28th County and state officials are urging urg-ing the motoring public to take immediate im-mediate steps to procure the new numbers and avoid the characteristic characteris-tic last minute rush. Time for registration of motor vehicles, and getting the 1934 license plates expires this year. February 28 not March 1st, as in former years, nor yet April 29, which was the date to which an accommodating accommo-dating legislature postponed it for the year 1933. Two sections of the new motor vehicle registration act, passed by the same legislature, are pointed to by officials of the motor vehicle department de-partment of the state tax commission. commis-sion. They read: "Every vehicle registration under this act shall expire the last day of February each year and shall be renewed annually upon application by the owner and by payment of the fees required by law, such renewal re-newal to take effect on the first day of March each year." "Any person operating a motor vehicle without registration as provided pro-vided in this act shall be subject to a penalty of twice the regular registration fee." The tax commission has opened branch offices in the city and county coun-ty building, Salt Lake, and at Brig-ham, Brig-ham, Price, Richfield and Cedar City, for the convenience of motor car owners in the vicinity of those cities who desire to obtain their 1934 license plates. There are more permanent branch officers at Logan, Ogden and Provo, at which license plates may be obtained, as well as at the commission's offices in the state capitol. Since the law is so definite about the closing date for registration, the commission is arranging, to close the five temporary branch offices at the close of business February 28. |