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Show )ty Business Passed on by Council Mr. Niels Fugal and Mr. David ourley were present at the regular luncil meeting Saturday in the iterest of the Irrigation Company. Ir Fugal stated that they were rilling to stand half the expense of xtending the culvert over the old irove Creek channel near the G. Herron property and that if Mr. rron wishes the channel changed i follow the street that he should 3 so at his expense. Mr. Walker l0ved that we accept the recom-; recom-; lendation of Mr. Fugal and that e extending of the bridge be left ntil the street committee sees fit act. : Mr. Fugal also reported that two : three people had signed the ar-cles ar-cles of incorporation of the com-any com-any when they were not elligable do so. He reported that fifteen lares in Robert Procters name must ; 3 turned back to the city on this ccount. Mr. Loader moved that the Pleas-; Pleas-; ait Grove Irrigation Co. handle the vater for the city as they have done or the past few years, which carried : tfter being duly seconded. Mr. Fugal stated that when the ' iroperty on which the library now : tands was bought from the School : loard nothing was said about the i&tev going with the property as far s can be learned, but that if it be-jngs be-jngs to the city the school board is . rilling to turn it over to them. The : latter was left for further investi- ation. : An allowance of $5.00 per month , ;as allowed the superintendent of ater works for gas and oil expense ,n motion of the oounciL Mr. Adamson reported a complaint . lad been made relative to minors elling beer in one of the licensed I louses. The marshal was asked to ' nvestigate. Licenses for Coal Dealers, both Vrard and truckers, was discussed at ,oir.e length. It was decided to col-: col-: ect licenses. .; It was decided that the street committee take care of having the streets marked near the fire hydrant at Main and State and see that no : parking is allowed. The superin- tendent of waterworks was asked to :lean the gutters on Main street mder the supervision of the streets lT:ommittee. . Mr. Adamson moved that the prob-: prob-: ;,em of school children scattering j paper on Pioneer park be left with j the City Property committee with - power to act. The motion carried. : Mr. Fugal reported he had in-vestigated in-vestigated C. W. A. help in cleaning 1 irrigation ditches. He said that ; American Fork had tried a similar ' project and that the county heads ' ' had discouraged it but that this : would be gone into further. He ; stated that C. W. A. work would be ! continued in the near future. He was asked to follow up the different projects. :- n |