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Show o Government Owned Own-ed Rails In Canada Cana-da No Success The government owned railways in Canada, the Canadian National, shows a deficit of $50,000,000. for 1933. In three years the gross operating oper-ating revenue declined $102,000,000. This occurred even until a reduction reduc-tion in operating expense amounting amount-ing to $88,000,000. The operating surplus last year was about six million mill-ion dollars but there iwas more than $57,000,000 to be paid as interest on a debt of $1,250,000,000 held by private pri-vate security owners. This debt is in addition to a debt of $1,500,000,-i $1,500,000,-i 000 owing to the government. I Finding that political manage-I manage-I ment was responsible for a great jloss a change was made in the di-I di-I rectors of the railroad. - Under this non-political control some improve-I improve-I ment was made. But the National I Railways is still going into the "red" every month. Portland Press Herald. |