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Show MUTUAL DELL OPENS FOR '38 WARD OUTINGS j Mutual Dell, summer home of the Mutual Improvement associations of I Lehi, Alpine and Timpanogos stakes, ' opened for annual summer outings i Monday. Earl Giles, Pleasant Grove high school athletic coach, is the caretak-I caretak-I er and supervisor at the summer j home for the season, having been selected by M. I. A. officers of the three stakes. The Dell has been cleaned and renovated re-novated throughout and painted in preparation for the outings. Num- erous other noticeable improvements have been made about the place, and new roofs have been placed on some of the cabins. Recreation equipment has been improved, new swings and teeter-totters teeter-totters having been installed. A wide variety of sports is now offered on the grounds, including play facilities faci-lities for children, softball and baseball, base-ball, horseshoes and other games, as well as hiking and riding. The new amphitheatre, constructed by the forest service near the home, comfortably com-fortably accomodates crowds at the evening entertainments. The Alpine stake schedule of outings out-ings at the Dell follows: . Second ward, August 1, 2, and 3; Third ward, August 4, 5, and 6; Fourth ward, August 8, 9', and 10; Alpine, August 11, 12, and 15; Highland, August 15, 16, and 17; First ward, August 18, 19, and 20. Each ward will stay at the Dell only three days this season. o |