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Show Pleasant Grove Locals Mrs. H. V. Swenson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Nell Gourley, of Holladay. TEAM OF HORSES For Sale. John Adamson, Pleasant Grove. 6-24-2t-p. The Mothers' club met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Lucille Walker. Mrs. Grant Ivins of Provo talked on "Home Beautification" and Mrs. Reva Fugal sang. Mrs. Keith Jacobs entertained at a shower in honor of Mrs. Harvey Smith, a June bride, Tuesday night. Eighteen invited guests attended. The Peay family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George B. Peay, in honor of Father's day. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Woodworth of Salt Lake Citv called. Mrs. Mary Armitstead of Lapoint is visiting at the home of her niece, Mrs. Elizabeth Bullock. Wayne Gamett of Las Vegas, Nevada, Ne-vada, is visiting with his mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gamett. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson and Yvone and Elaine Johnson, of Glen Ellyn, Illinois, are spending a two weeks' vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Christiansen. Mr. Johnson is a brother of Mrs. Christiansen. Chris-tiansen. Mr-, and Mrs. A. J. Johnson, Mrs. Anna Johnson, Yvone and Elaine Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Christiansen Chris-tiansen and Mary, Carol and John Christiansen enjoyed a picnic and outing at Mutual Dell Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. P. Fugal, who has been suffering from a heart ailment for some time, was taken to the L. D. S. hospital at Salt Lake City Wednesday Wed-nesday for treatment. Her many friends wish for a quick recovery. Mrs. Porter Gooch and two children chil-dren of Pocatello, Idaho, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Niels Fugal. Mr. Gooch was here for a time, but returned re-turned leaving Mrs. Gooch for an extended stay. Dinner guests at the home of President and Mrs. Wilford W. Warnick War-nick Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ash, Mrs. Inez Olpin, and Mr. Ash's mother left Wednesday for Yellowstone national na-tional park, on a vacation trip. The L. A. L. club was entertained at the S. W. Hilton home, on June 13. A gift was presented -to Mrs. Horace Walker, the former Verna Day. A delicious lunch was served. In honor of Mrs. Nina White Hunter, a recent bride, Miss Elizabeth Eliza-beth Blackhurst, Miss Laura Swenson Swen-son and Mrs. Dora Hales entertained enter-tained at a srower at the Blackhurst j Joseph Olpm of Heber, Stephen L. Chipman of Salt Lake City, President Presi-dent and Mrs. Edmund Cragun of Orem, and President and Mrs. M. S. Christiansen. In honor of William Facer, who has moved to Salt Lake City, the high priests' quorum staged a social and "weenie" roast at Mutual Dell Wednesday night. A program was i given, with music under direction of Irwin Jensen and Rulon Brimhall. The fifty persons attending reported having a very enjoyable time. home. A delicious luncheon was served to 24 invited guests, and Mrs. Hunter received many beautiful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith left Wednesday for a two weeks' honeymoon honey-moon trip to Yellowstone national park and the Pacific Northwest. Mrs. Smith is the former Josephine Farr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Farr of Provo. The marriage was solemnized Monday, June 20, in the Salt Lake City L. D. S. temple. |