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Show riiu- o Qa rry To Speak Second Ward; program In 4th Q? - lidney B. Sperry, of the Brig- 'oung university department 'oO S-;-;ius education, will be the : at the Second L. D. S. ward ze3 night, at 7:30 o'clock. .perry is widely known for his (Si correlating Book of Mormon styles and treatment with iu" ?inal Hebrew style. As he is r r-gj the outstanding scholars of J"' 3. S. church, as well as an in- speaker, his appearance here ited to be of considerable in- so ward members. -"""' al numbers will be furnished j rward choir. A good attend-! attend-! jj02'is urged by those in charge. faecial program has been TnQ(JU for the Sunday evening I1 r in the Fourth L. D. S. ward p; It has been arranged as ak?5 Violin solo, Helen John-C John-C ccompanied by Leila Abel; lo, LaRue Morton; harmon--, LaMar Clements; reading, -""" teele; solo, Don Steele; talk, fyJd wards; piano solo, Helen Viu'n; vocalduet MaurineSpaf-nu MaurineSpaf-nu d Edith Richins. |