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Show Ten Years Ago Now (Taken from files of June 25, 1927) The first annual American Fork Poultry Day celebration was in full swing yesterday with over 2,000 peo- pie in attendance when the paper went to press late in the afternoon. Officials in charge and citizens were highly pleased with results and toe jolly crowd in attendance and predicted pre-dicted that next year and the years to come would see one of toe greatest great-est state's holidays grow out of this beginning. Ten Years Ago Now Successful? Yes, it was. The outing out-ing at the popular Saratoga resort for the old folks of Alpine Stake, held Wednesday, has never been excelled. ex-celled. It was success, personified, The plans and outline for the day's entertainment were carried out very accurately and in minute detail. Ten Years Ago Now The Alpine stake tabernacle's amusement hall was the scene of a missionary farewell Monday evening in honor of James Moffett and Mel-vin Mel-vin Dunklcy, who both leave for missions mis-sions next week. Mr. Moffett is going go-ing to labor in the German-Austrian mission and Mr. Dunkley in the British Mission. Ten Years Ago Now-American Now-American Fork hit a batting stride Wednesday in the game with Payson which neted them 19 runs in spite of Payson's use of four pitchers to check them. The visitors were held to four runs. This victory was sweet revenge for our team and fans since Payson handed us a defeat there the past week. Ten Years Ago Now The general committee of the 4th of July celebration, comprised of Mayor James M. Grant, Orin Ash ton and Stanford Walker, with Earl Holmstead, city recreational director, met and appointed sub-committees to take charge of the various activities activi-ties of the day's program, and outlined out-lined in a general way the proposed features of the entertainment. |