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Show 0XX-0-KXXKXW'K00'J-0':' $ Uniformly Mixed Feeds $ 5- . A Try our uniformly Mixed Home Feeds I a S Laying Mash - - - 82,15 i I Chick Mash - - - - $2.80 $ 5 Special Laying Mash - $2.45 i Cow Mash - - - - $2.10 $ Pig Feed - - - - $2.00 SCRATCH MASHES CHICK FEEDS 1 ' Pi Go Modern 1 Yes, go modern Select I I the best from the best, s i j Pay cash pay less. Eat the best. Make it a habit i ; to 'Cash and Carry' from ' i O. P. S k a g g s System i j Store. 1 Butter, O. P. S. 4 in 1, 1 lb 34c ! 1 Potatoes, U. S. No. 1, I I 10 lbs 25c I B Cantaloupes, large I Jumbo, 2 for 19c I I Puffed Wheat, 2 pkgs. 15c I Heinz Catsup, 15 oz. H I bottle 15c I i Macaroni, 6 oz. pkg. 5c I i Pineapple, large 2Y B size can, 2 for 35c B g Vegetable Soup, can 5c 1 Flour, Kitchen Maid $1.35 B B Milk, 4 tall, Banner.... 25c I Jel-Kwick, 2 bottles .. 25c j Jel-Sert, 3 pkgs 10c j jj Palmolive Soap 5c I Olives, large 9 oz. can 15c I Sugar, 100 lb. bag .... $5.45 9 Kelloggs Corn Flakes, i 2 pkgs. and 1 bowl ! 1 for 25c Ii MEAT DEPARTMENT Weenies and Franks, lb 17c Choice Bacon, lb 30c Medium Cheese, lb. .. 20c Boiling Rib, meaty, j 2 lbs 25c I ! SPECIALS I 5 -La- I iiM'i.'tfciw-''M'irffi'1"HlWIJI' 1 fa""BS"'l1'l'l'l""IIJ "111 ' ' "8B j g Take advantage of these values in One Lot Figured Voile Dresses j Voiles and Lawns j 6 25c Values Lovely to look at comfortable and cool to wear )c J pRICED I 2 rT -t r ( I Men's and Boys' TJTT 1TT7TC( iiS A large selection of cool, crisp Cotton 1 ll JlrfllVlJli O ff t Dresses you'll like our selections For Hot Weather 25c Value S 19c I HUMMING BIRD - t Silk Hose Men's Summer' g Service or Chiffon j Wash PailtS I ti $1.00 Stocking for j PRICED LOW t 75c j 98c S1.50 $1.95 I S m, Large Varietv 1 Seven Thread Stocking T T t , S Plenty of Silk Plenty of Wear! wv c ? gi J J ; women s Satin 2 Your choice of our entire stock j Princess Slips f t Women's Qg J $1 House Dresses! w , v' t Women s Extra Large 69c Rayon Bloomers I si SIZES 14 TO 50 59c Value J g - 49c Men's and Boys' Wool Bathing Trunks I i Saturday only L. D. S. Garments i 89c 59c l i Chipman Merc. Co. SPECIALS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 2 lbs. Soda Crackers 18c Large can Olives 10c 2 lbs. Peanut Butter 29c Schillings Coffee 26c 10 lbs. Sugar 55c 4 large Milk 25c Butter, Creamery, lb 33c BANANAS, 2 lbs 11c New Peas, lb 5c New Spuds, 2 lbs. for 5c BATE The Amusement Center for the Towns of Northern Utah Co. WEEKLY PROGRAM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, JUNE 25 AND 26 The Great American Comedy Drama! WALLACE BEERY in "GOOD OLD SOAK" With Una Merkel and Eric Linden He was a black sheep with the tender heart of a lamb and the courage of a lion! A picture for you and your neighbor! you'll love it! ALSO GOOD SHORTS ADMISSION ONLY 10c AND 20c SJNDAfTMONDY xcitin$ ai atlteJi r Mad melody soars V ? high as foot-free Fred f , ( K T and Ginger scalier X ' , ' siarduslonthe ' , palpitating H s ,,, . - " ADDED GOOD SHORTS Matinee Sunday at 4 P.M. ADMISSION ONLY IOC AND 15 j . V ( . 1 Such common ioot troubles ' ' ' , j hurting corns callous. Km- ! '' ' '.. C' ions, weak or (Men srvhrs s ; - c.in onu-kly nnd inc-VjV-- Y .'V v f' Mvoi v relieve.!. IV. Wm. 1. Y . -.'' J. ' Soholl. x, orld noted Foot . ' ' . Authority. h.s perioote.1 n ' V i ., ppli.moe or romcdx- tor tiw j' vhet ot .ill these common l'.vt PIx.WM.M'.WllOlL troubles. A Representative from Dr- SchoH's llcinlqi.utcrs in Chicago i 'i be in our stove V. '"' : to show you how. I. .) I HIS is vour opportunity to . - . olM.un vvlu-l tl olu vout. p.)r- v, r.w r.- tn til.ir loot (roivl'los thor ''v -"' f'om Dr. N'l.oll s IK-.uhpL.ru-, - -- will show vou how. 110 xx 111 (ako imprints of vour s(ook-".'- 'SV' n'-- Jvl'.'U's lV.lo- ' A. " '7;: -t ivsoi.oirsnu-tho.is ?s -l'l v uvop(e,l. sou-ntilio f 4 V 'ul oitlvopo.hc rruulplos. ,yJ ' ' V. .v.. vs, .. ' " t l , . - -. ,-.-,,. ' " ! STKKLK-s SI10H STOKE AMF.KICAN VOKK. UTAH Why is it that people peo-ple come from as far as Salt Lake; City to buy m eats from us? A-l Soda Crackers 19c A-l Graham Crackers 20c Vegetable Soup 5c 2 Kellot's Cora Flakes .... 22c (And Glass Dish Free) Schillings Coffee 20c .'3 cans Deviled Ham 10c 3 cans Vienna Sausage .... 25c 2 cans Spring Garden Teas 25c ' cans Tomatoes 25c 10 lbs. Kuj'ar . 5fic 5 C. W. Soap, Giant 18c Boley's Inc. TELEPHONE 4 WE DELIVER W"''''''''' t-r r"St i ,4 4 yyrJ ' VVv - - - WEDNESDAY ONLY, JUNE 30 BARGAIN NIGHT "Draeserman Courage" With Jean Muir and Barton McLane Suspense! 'Action! Drama and Thrills! Heroic Draogerman squad races death to reach entombed workers! Wives, sweethearts hopeful as these men aid fight! ADDED "SECRET AGENT X-9" AND OTHEIt SHORTS ADMISSION ONLY 10c AND Lie V' THURSDAY ONLY, JULY 11 ROAD SHOW ATTRACTION "Gambling With Souls" Watch for further advertising. |