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Show Hopper Poison Is Ready for Battle Government Has Supply on Hand and Infested States Are Supplied. Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture. VVNU Service. A new mixture of grasshopper poison that carries 50 per cent sawdust, saw-dust, a lower Infestation as a result re-sult of last year's poisoning campaign, cam-paign, and a surplus of poison bait that drouth ridden farmers did not use last year all these factors Indicate In-dicate that the United States Department De-partment of Agriculture will need to buy very little bran and other bait materials in 1035. Dr. P. N. Annand of the bureau of entomology and plant quarantine, who directed the first Intensive grasshopper campaign financed with federal funds, says part of the surplus sur-plus has been re-allotted and Is being be-ing moved Into stales that otherwise might run short of bait. If the existing supplies of bait are not sufficient for the demands this year, Dr. Annand says, the department de-partment will buy bran, sawdust, and sodium arsenite and ship them into selected centers where the material ma-terial will be mixed by hand under trained supervision. This bait costs much less than the factory-mixed bran, molasses, and arsenic used last year, and, according to the results re-sults of field tests the past season. Is just as effective in killing hoppers. hop-pers. Last year the department started with a poison mixture containing con-taining 25 per cent sawdust, but found by trial that a mixture with 50 per cent sawdust Is satisfactory. Although the number of grasshopper grass-hopper eggs laid last fall was far below the number laid the year before, be-fore, Doctor Annand says, there are enough in the ground to start another an-other heavy Infestation this summer, sum-mer, unless the weather at hatching time Is unfavorable to hopper development |