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Show La Primavera Club Has Costume Halloween Party An array of unlikely looking guests appeared at the home of Ilene Johnson Thursday, Oct. 24. It soon became apparent as the hilarity of the party grew that the ill-suited looking group was really the very compatible com-patible La Primavera Club celebrating cele-brating an early Halloween. A clown with a nose bobbing bob-bing in the water along with the apples as he tried to grab one with his teeth and a potbellied pot-bellied Indian eating a donut from the floor were only a few of the merry events a spectator spec-tator could have observed. Booklets of the years coming com-ing events were distributed. Attending were Karyn Cook, Linda Slater, Diane West, Diane Di-ane Adamson, Connie Bullock, Mary Kaye Smith, Dorothy Johnson, Kathy Frederick, Karen Kar-en Johnson, Shana Welcker, Nancy Butterfield, Ilene John-nso, John-nso, Nila Fordham, Shirley Py-per, Py-per, Kathy Smith, Anita Phillips, Phil-lips, Donna Birk and Chris Frederick. Refreshments were crumbled and mutiliated, eaten, and yes, enjoyed. |