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Show Utah Land Use Act Referendum Number One An act providing for development de-velopment of a planned land use policy for Utah. A Land Use Commission, appointed ap-pointed by the Governor, is authorized to formulate a comprehensive state land use plan; co-operate with local governments in publishing pub-lishing guidelines for local land use plans and in designating desig-nating critical areas of greater than local concern; allocate federal funds received re-ceived for state land use purposes; and, assure that all agency programs are consistent with state land use programs. The Commission shall provide the legislature, for its consideration, a final statewide plan of critical land use areas. An appropriation of $306,000 is provided. FOR Q AGAINST Q I, CLYDE L. MILLER, Secretary Sec-retary of State of the State of Utah. DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing forego-ing is a full, true and correct cor-rect copy of the Ballot Title of the Utah Land Use Act which law was passed by the Budget Session of the Fortieth Legislature, 1974. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WHERE-OF, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Utah, at Salt Lake City, this 30th day of September, 1974. 3. CLYDE L. fM MILLER &mJ' Secretary |