Show N N C N N 11 C el ca C C ca C ca C 1 I ca C C C 1 C ec I 1 N 1 N I 1 r C ASK ME 7 amk A quiz with answers offering ng A NO koft tusa THER I 1 information on various subjects c NN 1 who was the last aztec emperor of mexico 2 approximately how many gla alers aers and lakes are there in glazier glasier national park 3 what is the proportion of W women omen six feet tall or over to that of men of that height in the united states 4 when was the university of mexico founded 5 who said where law ends tyranny begins 6 who ruled rome a at t the time 0 of f christs death 7 what is the largest plan planet et I 1 in n the solar system 8 the british farthing is worth how much in american money the answers 1 montezuma 2 sixty glaciers lakes NC NC 3 out of every 1000 men and 1000 women men but only 3 women are six feet in height 4 in 1553 5 william pitt 6 tiberius 7 jupiter 8 one half cent |