Show pis OU NEW YORK NE the theater heater at street and lith avenue built by the fabulous jim flake to display the talents of his adored one bosle mansfield her adjacent m mansion was connected to the playhouse by an underground der ground passage the great white way nickname for broadway coined they say by 0 J gude glide tho the billboard 13 board advertising man the boxy theartres theatres The atres foyer which accommodates commo dates about people the swanky I 1 private park tor for tudor C city y residents street and east i rit the hideaway for the river v er once towns most desperate criminals historic fraunces tavern where gen washington used to imbibe and where he prepared his hii farewell address now one of new yorks better restaurants such Is F fame ame tom paine the most eloquent voice of the revolution has a dusty tablet on a grove st house because ile he died there harlema Har lems three square miles ms in which nearly people are packed like sardines the church for mutes where the pastors sermon in on is 13 delivered with his fingers and where the choir sings with their hands the luxury of the radio city music hall the lobby ceiling is made of gold leaf the grand central deppo where the number of people who pass through it in one year approximates the population of the nation the sixth avenue lubway five stories down the main building at new york n 1 ver sity billt of stones cut by convicts at sing sing macdougal alley in greenwich village a 8 privately owned street lit by gas lamps itt the residential belt between ath and from the through to the the totting rotting core of the towns shameful slums the greenwich village delicatessen with a sensa yuma I 1 its to sign reads our pickles are dill licious the chinese laundryman on ellist str street with the gassiest gass sass iest lest name of au all IT tip lp want wane the elegant doorman of a midtown night clu club b who softly says to passersby food good evening seen our show lately ro the high toned madison avenue grocery which features fancy dog food with sniff appeal the closed employment agency because it get any help the street eatery which burleski burles ks restaurants that name sandwiches after calebs it nam names es sandwiches after ch chorines orives who dine there the coffee joynt boynt on lexington in the where the latest headline in cinnamon print comes with your rice pudding gay stuff the beer truck rumbling along ath avenue pulled by horses borses the drivers with long mustachios los the weary worn out women sign eign carriers advertising the beauty they probably had the pet shop with the sign that mean what it says free french poodles doodles les the pretty bar barmaids maids at the waldorf the tugboat chugging up the east river at dawn with its anonymous cargo of unclaimed dead on the way to burial in powers field the down and outers bouters many are counterfeits whose beat Is broad way where they become tamed famed as characters it if they were down on the bowery be ignored the haunting stillness of fifth ave nue or broadway on a sunday morning that husky guy who startles you in front ot of the swanky pierre hotel with a request tor for the price of a meal with the want ads screaming for or men the Light lighthouse hoise for or the blind on where the pavement in front has Im bedded iron bars to guide the tapping canes 9 the bowling alleys in the midtown arena where you cint cant always get an alley to play in around 4 in the morning the s influence on an ea east st street stationery stores sign are you keeping up with your lettera ture the nitty canteen lor for servicemen in chinatown which has entertained american born japanese soldiers the wisecrack wisecracking wise crac cracking king panhandler who asks you to stake him to a nickel until he gets his checkbook autta hock bock midtowns Mid towns gaudiest gau diest block between radio city and broadway where dearly everything is a hawkers hole ln in the wall i the powerful appearing soviet sailors never before permitted to wear their uniform son shore leave here until a few months ago the charming cafe in the museum of modern modem art garden the melodrama and misery in the family court on E st if you think you have troubles the understanding policemen who turn the other way when they come across embracing couples usually servicemen and their dates in darkened doorways of midtown shops the street spaghetti place where the headwaiter head walter is a midget the western un union ion boy in the radio city district a woman ol of about 70 and she knows her war news it if you get her started the blind man who peddles pencils on street wears a swallow swallowtail tall c oat coat to his ankles knee pants and a straw skimmer |